Framlengdur veruleiki (XR) - GunnarThorunnarson/FORR3FV05EU GitHub Wiki

Extended reality (XR) is a term referring to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables, where the 'X' represents a variable for any current or future spatial computing technologies. e.g. It includes representative forms such as augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) and the areas interpolated among them. OpenXR is a new open cross-platform standard.


WebXR is a group of open standards that allows AR and VR in browsers,

  1. Kynning og samantekt um WebAR, vefgrein.
  2. Prófaðu með símanum þínum WebAR með Three.js kóðasýnidæmi.
  3. Tutorial: Hello WebXR (sólblóm, v0.126.0); vefgrein og myndband
  4. Skoðaðu AR lausnir frá nemendum
Aðrir tutorials

Að vinna með WebAR

  1. Við þurfum síma/spjaldtölvu með ARCore stuðning, sjá ARCore supported devices.
  2. Notaðu Live Server og Local Port Forwarding í VS Code í tölvunni (ath. vera loggaður á símanum líka á GitHub).
  3. WebXT virkar ekki í Firefox eða Safari

WebXR only works over secure HTTPS connections, with the exception that non-SSL HTTP servers running on localhost are allowed (td. Live Server).

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