WiFi Module - GuangDuang/ECE387-Final GitHub Wiki
I use this NodeMcu to build a web server and send information to smartphone or desktop. The communication between Uno-Nodemcu and Uno-GPS both use Serial communication. The <Wire.h> for acceleromerter is also use Serial communication. Mass of serial communication cause a lot error when I try to send position from Uno to NodeMcu. So, I decide to use GPS send data to UNO and NodeMcu. Which means NodeMcu and Uno will read same data at same time. Then I do not need to send data from Uno to NodeMcu. This works perfect. I also use a digital input on NodeMcu to indicate is user in a danger condition. If High, user needs help. I also use html language to auto refresh website every second. That can update data every second. I just use <ESP8266WiFi.h> in this WiFi project. And use sample code to test and improve.