Accelerometer - GuangDuang/ECE387-Final GitHub Wiki

acc For this accelerometer, I use this website and sample code of it to setup. I analyse accelerate on xyz to find the condition of body. I use <Wire.h> library to read data.

For counter part, if we did exercise, we will have large accelerate on Z plant which is vertical of ground. I take value of Z change to find how many time user did exercise. I use delay and sound buzzer to tell user you have done one time. It need to change sensitive to use on different exercise. I did in demo is squat.

For detect fall down, I not only take the accelerate of user, but also analyse angle change of user.

For temperature detect, I measure the different temperature of environment, and compare to sensor data feed back to find relationship between data feedback and real temperature. Then I can have a formula to calculate temperature.

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