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You can see my demo video here: https://youtu.be/y7fvSopRX7c

What I did first step is GPS Module, because it will achieve my basic function: get the position of user and also get speed and local time by GPS.

Then, I add accelerometer to detect if user fall. I continue deal with more data to make the counter and find the temperature.

After solve the accelerometer, I tried to display these function on LCD Screen to test them works will.

Next one is send information to staff by NodeMcu. The biggest problem is transmit large amount of information from Arduino UNO to NodeMcu which is WiFi module. At last, I solve that by make UNO and NodeMcu get information individually.

Finally, I assemble them together and make a lot statement in code to make them work together. I also improve the UI and control method that make user easy to use. Add a case on it to make it wearable. If a children or a elder people do not know how to use a smartphone. This will be a good way to let them use this device to monitoring. More safety and easy to use.

To see functions have...

I did not add the heart beat sensor, because it will difficult to wear after add this Sensor.