Big Message - Guad/NativeUI GitHub Wiki

example big message

Starting with 1.6 you can easily display messages like these. All of the available messages are located in


Methods available:

ShowMissionPassedMessage(string msg, int time = 5000)
ShowColoredShard(string msg, string desc, HudColor textColor, HudColor bgColor, int time = 5000)
ShowOldMessage(string msg, int time = 5000)
ShowSimpleShard(string title, string subtitle, int time = 5000)
ShowRankupMessage(string msg, string subtitle, int rank, int time = 5000)
ShowWeaponPurchasedMessage(string bigMessage, string weaponName, WeaponHash weapon, int time = 5000)
ShowMpMessageLarge(string msg, int time = 5000)
ShowCustomShard(string funcName, params object[] paremeters)