REST API Calls - GroupBDS/users-and-groups GitHub Wiki
1. Creating a user:
A user can be created by issuing a POST request from your application.
- Input type: JSON
- Call format: http://`<application_url>`/users-and-groups/users
- Input:
"firstName" :
<first name of the user>
, "lastName" :<last name of the user>
, "active" :<boolean value indicating if the user needs to be marked active>
, "password" :<password. No support for password yet, so it could be anything>
, "emailAddress" :<email address that will be linked to this user>
, "registeredOn" :<Date time string>
, "device" : {"registeredOn" :<date time string>
, "countryCode" :<3 digit country code of the user>
, "phoneNumber" :<10 digit phone number>
, "deviceType" : {"recId" :<record id. this property will be deprecated>
, "type" : "MOBILE"}, "deviceCategory" : {"recId" :<record id. this property will be deprecated>
, "category" : "WORK"} } } - Output:
{"status" :
<success/failure depending on the what happened>
, "message" :<error message in case something went wrong>
- Since this is still under development, calls might not yield required results
- Since the JSON structures displayed here are not properly formatted, you may use any online formatters to view the structure that is formatted