REST API Calls - GroupBDS/users-and-groups GitHub Wiki

1. Creating a user:

A user can be created by issuing a POST request from your application.

  • Input type: JSON
  • Call format: http://`<application_url>`/users-and-groups/users
  • Input: { "firstName" : <first name of the user>, "lastName" : <last name of the user>, "active" : <boolean value indicating if the user needs to be marked active>, "password" : <password. No support for password yet, so it could be anything>, "emailAddress" : <email address that will be linked to this user>, "registeredOn" : <Date time string>, "device" : {"registeredOn" : <date time string>, "countryCode" : <3 digit country code of the user>, "phoneNumber" : <10 digit phone number>, "deviceType" : {"recId" : <record id. this property will be deprecated>, "type" : "MOBILE"}, "deviceCategory" : {"recId" : <record id. this property will be deprecated>, "category" : "WORK"} } }
  • Output: {"status" : <success/failure depending on the what happened>, "message" : <error message in case something went wrong> }

  1. Since this is still under development, calls might not yield required results
  2. Since the JSON structures displayed here are not properly formatted, you may use any online formatters to view the structure that is formatted