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Creating a Race instance
/// @func Race(_filename_without_extension, _add_file_to_cache = false)
/// @desc Create a new random content engine
function Race(_filename = "", _add_file_to_cache = false) constructor {
Instantiate by loading a file
- Supply the filename, without extension as first argument.
- The second argument tells raptor, whether it shall keep the file in the local cache
- If the file is not found, an error is written to the log
Instantiate for building the table manually in code
- Do not supply any arguments, just use
var race = new Race();
to instantiate it
Race Functions
/// @func add_table(_race_table, _overwrite_if_exists = true)
/// @desc Add a class instance of type RaceTable to the tables of this Race
static add_table = function( _race_table, _overwrite_if_exists = true) {
/// @func get_table(_name)
/// @desc Retrieve a pointer to a table
/// Alternatively, you can access all tables directly through race.tables.tablename...
static get_table = function(_name) {
/// @func remove_table(_name, _clear_global_cache = false)
/// @desc Remove the specified table from this Race
/// The second argument tells race, if it shall even clear its cache
/// (If you set this to true, Race "forgets" the table entirely, you
/// have to load the entire file again, if you need this table again later)
static remove_table = function(_name, _clear_global_cache = false) {
/// @func reset_table(_name, _recursive = true)
/// @desc Reset the specified table to its original state it had, when it was loaded from the file
/// The second argument tells Race, whether it shall recursively even all sub tables to their
/// initial state
static reset_table = function(_name, _recursive = true) {
/// @func clone_table(_name)
/// @desc Clones the specified table to a TEMP table with a unique name.
/// This new table is returned and you can get the name from the .name property of the table.
/// Use this function to get an independent copy of any table
static clone_table = function(_name) {
/// @func table_exists(_name)
/// @desc Checks whether a table with the specified name exists in this Race
static table_exists = function(_name) {
/// @func query_table(_name, _layer_name_or_depth = undefined, _pool_name = "")
/// @desc Perform a loot query on the specified table
/// @returns {array} Returns the "loot". This is an array of RaceItem instances.
/// Each RaceItem offers these properties:
/// instance = The dropped instance (or undefined, if no layer was given)
/// table_name = The name of the table, where it came from
/// item_name = The item name in the table
/// item = The item struct (also contains the .attributes)
/// * All contained instances already exist on the layer.
/// * Their onCreate events have already been executed.
/// * If no drop was generated, instance contains undefined.
/// @param {string} _name The race table to query
/// @param {string=""} _layer_name_or_depth Optional.
/// If not supplied, no items will be dropped by the query and all "instance"
/// members of the returned RaceItems will be undefined.
/// LOOT IS STILL GENERATED! There are just no items spawned.
/// @param {string=""} pool_name Optional. If supplied, objects will be taken from the
/// specified ObjectPool, so less new instances are created.
static query_table = function(_name, _layer_name_or_depth = undefined, _pool_name = "") {
RaceTable Functions
Creating a RaceTable in code
Invoke the constructor, give the table a name and supply the table_struct.
[!NOTE] The table struct given, must match the Race File Specifications, so it must have:
- a
member- an
items: { }
struct- after creating it, add it to Race through
- Alternatively you may create a correct empty table struct through
new RaceTableStruct(_loot_count)
/// @func RaceTable(_name, _table_struct)
function RaceTable(_name = "", _table_struct = undefined) constructor {
/// @func query(_layer_name_or_depth = undefined, _pool_name = "")
/// @desc Perform a loot query
/// NOTE: If you do not supply a _layer_name_or_depth, NO INSTANCES
/// will be created by the query() function!
/// You can batch-create all instances from the result set through
/// create_instances(queryresult) on this table afterwards.
static query = function(_layer_name_or_depth = undefined, _pool_name = "") {
/// @func reset(_recursive)
/// @desc Reset this table to the state when it was loaded from file.
/// NOTE: Temp tables and manually added tables can not be reset!
static reset = function(_recursive) {
The RaceItem Class
Race offers a little convenience helper class, RaceItem
, which allows you add new items with less typing.
To create the table struct, you can simply code the struct, as you would with any other struct:
race.add_table(new RaceTable("loot", {
loot_count: 1,
items: {
item0: { type: "grp1_item0", chance: 10.0, enabled: 0, unique: 0, always: 0 },
item1: { type: "grp1_item1", chance: 10.0, enabled: 0, unique: 0, always: 0 },
item2: { type: "grp2_item2", chance: 10.0, enabled: 0, unique: 0, always: 0 },
item3: { type: "grp2_item3", chance: 10.0, enabled: 0, unique: 0, always: 0 },
nulldrop: { type: null, chance: 10.0, enabled: 0, unique: 0, always: 0 }
Alternatively, you can use the RaceItem
class, which makes this a bit more compact:
In addition, there is another helper available, the RaceNullItem
class, which allows you to add a null-drop to the table.
race.add_table(new RaceTable("loot", {
loot_count: 1,
items: {
item0: new RaceItem("grp1_item0", 10, 0, 0, 0),
item1: new RaceItem("grp1_item1", 10, 0, 0, 0),
item2: new RaceItem("grp2_item2", 10, 0, 0, 0),
item3: new RaceItem("grp2_item3", 10, 0, 0, 0),
nulldrop: new RaceNullItem(10)
Manipulating item states
See more details about item filtering here: Race Item Filters.
/// @func filter_items(_items = undefined)
/// @desc Returns a new RaceItemFilter builder for all items of this table,
/// or for a subset of pre-filtered items, if you supply a filter result as argument
static filter_items = function(_items = undefined) {
/// @func set_all_enabled(_enabled, _items = undefined)
/// @desc Sets all items, or optionally a filtered item set, to the specified enabled value
static set_all_enabled = function(_enabled, _items = undefined) {
/// @func set_all_unique(_unique, _items = undefined)
/// @desc Sets all items, or optionally a filtered item set, to the specified unique value
static set_all_unique = function(_unique, _items = undefined) {
/// @func set_all_always(_always, _items = undefined)
/// @desc Sets all items, or optionally a filtered item set, to the specified always value
static set_all_always = function(_always, _items = undefined) {
/// @func set_all_chances(_chance, _items = undefined)
/// @desc Sets all items, or optionally a filtered item set, to the specified chance value
static set_all_chances = function(_chance, _items = undefined) {
/// @func set_all_chances_modify_by(_delta, _items = undefined)
/// @desc Modifies all chances, or optionally a filtered item set, by the specified delta
static set_all_chances_modify_by = function(_delta, _items = undefined) {
/// @func set_all_chances_multiply_by(_multiply, _items = undefined)
/// @desc Multiplies all chances, or optionally a filtered item set, by the specified multiplier
static set_all_chances_multiply_by = function(_multiply, _items = undefined) {
Continue reading in Race Item Filters.
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- Race Item Filters - RaceResult