Coordinate Helpers - Grisgram/gml-raptor GitHub Wiki

raptoroffers a group of small classes that help with coordinates in the room. In C# (or other modern languages) terminology, those might be seen as a kind of Tuples or Triples. However, GML has no design for Tuples and does not allow a function to return more than one value.

That's why the Coord classes have been written for raptor.

There are 3 Coord helper classes available:

  • Coord2 for 2D-Coordinates (holding an x and y member)
  • Coord3 for 3D-Coordinates (derived from Coord2 and adding a z member to the mix)
  • Coord4 for 4D-Coordinates (derived from Coord3 and adding a w member to the mix)

The usage of x,y,z,w is quite common for coordinate members and you will find a naming like this in many systems and languages, even in shader programming, where the equivalents to my Coord classes are named Vec (Vectors - there's a Vec2, Vec3 and Vec4 class when you do shaders).

[!TIP] While on a first glance, a Coord4 doesn't make much sense, I mean... how often do you deal with 4-dimensional space, right? ... Keep in mind, that nobody forces you, to put only geometric coordinates in there. You could as well use a Coord4 to store the RGBA values of any color! In fact, in shader programming, the Vec4 is normally used for exactly this purpose: Store a color. An as it is a simple struct class, it can easily be stored in your Savegame!

But these classes do not only hold members to store coordinates, they also let you perform some calculations on them, as you would expect from any vector object.

Coord functions

clone2 (clone3, clone4)

Each inheritance level of a Coord adds a cloneX function, which not only lets you create a cloned copy of the current instance, you can also use it to do a kind of typecasting. As all Coord classes are derived in a hierarchy (Coord2 -> Coord3 -> Coord4), every child class also owns the clone of its parent. So you can create a 2D instance from any 3D instance by invoking clone2 on a Coord3 instance. You will receive a true Coord2 as result.

/// @function		clone2()
/// @description	Clones this as Coord2
static clone2 = function() {
	return new Coord2(x, y);


Depending on the inheritance level, the set method lets you apply 2, 3 or 4 values on the instance

/// @function		set(xp, yp)
/// @description	set all values in one step
/// @param {real} xp	the new value for x
/// @param {real} yp	the new value for y
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining (fluent syntax)
static set = function(xp, yp) {


Multiply all members with a supplied factor for each dimension

/// @function			mul(factor_x, factor_y)
/// @description		multiply both values in one step
/// @param {real} factor_x	factor to multiply x with
/// @param {real} factor_y	factor to multiply y with
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining (fluent syntax)
static mul = function(factor_x, factor_y) {


Multiply all members with the same factor (scaling)

/// @function			mulxy(factor)
/// @description		multiply both values in one step
/// @param {real} factor	the factor to multiply x and y with
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining (fluent syntax)
static mul_xy = function(factor) {


Add the values of another Coord to this one

/// @function				plus(other_coord2)
/// @description			Add the values of other_coord2 to this one
/// @param {Coord2} other_coord2	The Coord2 to add to this one
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining
static plus = function(other_coord2) {


Subtract the values of another Coord from this one

/// @function				minus(other_coord2)
/// @description			Subtract the values in other_coord2 from this one
/// @param {Coord2} other_coord2	The Coord2 to subtract from this one
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining
static minus = function(other_coord2) {


Adds specified values to each dimension

/// @function		add(add_x, add_y)
/// @description	add a value to the current values
/// @param {real} add_x value to add to x
/// @param {real} add_y value to add to y
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining (fluent syntax)
static add = function(add_x, add_y) {


/// @function		addxy(value)
/// @description	add the same value to the current values
/// @param {real} value	value to add to all dimensions
/// @returns {Coord2} self for command chaining (fluent syntax)
static add_xy = function(value) {

Calculation methods

The Coord classes also offer some methods to do calculations, like the hyptenuse (the length of the vector, Pythagoras), angles and distances.


/// @function			length_xy()
/// @description		2D-hypotenuse
/// @returns {real} length			
static length_xy = function() {


/// @function		static angle_xy()
/// @description	gets alpha (angle from horizontal to hypo). 0 degrees is right ccw
static angle_xy = function() {


/// @function				distance_to_coord2(other_Coord2)
/// @description			distance between two vectors
/// @param {Coord2} other_Coord2	the coord2 to find the distance to
/// @returns {Coord2}	new Coord2
static distance_to_coord2 = function(other_coord2) {


/// @function		distance_to_xy(xp, yp)
/// @description	distance between vector and point
/// @param {real} xp	the x to find the distance to
/// @param {real} yp	the y to find the distance to
/// @returns {Coord2}	new Coord2
static distance_to_xy = function(xp, yp) { 


/// @function		equals_xy(other_coord2)
/// @description	true, if both, x and y match	
/// @returns {bool}			
static equals_xy = function(other_coord2) {