G'MIC GIMP Filter Help FIles - GreycLab/gmic-community GitHub Wiki

Help For Filters in G'MIC Gimp

The various filters incorporated into the G'MIC plug-in for The GIMP is quite large, and diverse. Since not every user will have the same level of technical knowledge of computer graphics, or skill level with the gimp, gathered here are simple "How To Use" type Help files for the filters. They are organized into three lists, with each filter appearing in both lists.

  1. By Filter Name - This list will contain each filter by it's name, as it is seen in the menu. This will not show the Menu category in which the filter appears, as this is sometimes changed.
  2. By Internal Name - This list will show the filters by their internal name, the one which would be used in a G"MIC command string to fire the script.
  3. Grouped By Author - This list will show a collection of links to individual authors "Script Help" pages within this wiki. On these pages an alphabetical list of scripts by that author will appear, sorted by menu name.

Help Page Layout

Each help page will contain at least six(seven) things:

  1. An image of the scripts controls and widgets;
  2. An explanation of the script's overall purpose;
  3. An explanation of it's expected input in the form of images, layers, and other GIMP objects. This section will include information about these objects in more detail;
  4. An explanation of it's output;
  5. An explanation of each of the script's controls;
  6. A set of links back to this page, the Author's Script List Page, The Authors List Page, Menu Name List Page, and the Internal Name List page. These links will appear at the top and bottom of each page;
  7. Contact Email For The Author. This is obfuscated to avoid scraping by spam bots, but will generally be obvious to the readers. Appearance of this information is at the author's discretion.

The Lists

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