Game Messages - GregHib/void GitHub Wiki

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Game message

Message Link
You get some willow logs., You swing your hatchet at the tree, Logs cut from a willow tree., You are not a high enough level to use this item., You need to have an attack level of 40., Nothing interesting happens., You have correctly entered your PIN. image
Sending trade offer... X wishes to trade with you. youtube
You eat the salmon., It heals some health., You don't have enough inventory space to hold that item. image
X has joined the party., X has left the party., You leave the party. image
You don't have enough inventory space. image
Nothing interesting happens., You can't reach that. <col=ff0000>You have unlocked a new music track: <name> image
Please close the interface you have open before setting your audio options. image
On this particular world you can only chat using quickchat. If you want to chat freely then please change to a different world. image
You need a fire talisman to be able to access the Fire Altar. image
You don't have sufficient room in your inventory to take this item. image
This feature can only be used on the members' servers. video


Message Link
X is requesting your assistance., Sending assistance response., You are assisting X., It has been 24 hours since you first helped someone using the Assist System., You can now use it to gain the full amount of XP., You have stopped assisting X. youtube
You have earned 0Xp. The assist system is available to you. youtube
That assistance request has timed out., The Assist System is available for you to use., You've earned the maximum XP from the Assist System within a 24-hour period.\nYou can assist again in 24 hours., An assist request has been refused. You can assist again in 24 hours., You've earned the maximum XP (30,000 Xp) from the Assist System within a 24-hour\nperiod.\n You can assist again in 24 hours. youtube
You have only just made an assistance request & You have to wait X seconds before making a new request. youtube


Message Link
Your item has been lent to <name>. It will be sent to your Returned Items box if<br> either you or <name> logs out., Speak to a banker to view your Returned Items box., Demanding return of item., Your item has been returned. youtube


Dialogue Link
Hans youtube

Grand exchange

Message Link
Abort request acknowledged. Please be aware that your offer may have already been completed. youtube
You have items from the Grand Exchange waiting in your collection box. youtube
One or more of your Grand Excahnge offers have been updated. youtube

Soul wars

Message Link
The <col=ff0000>red<col=000000> team was victorious! You receive 1 Zeal for your participation in this game., You spend 1 Zeal and receive 4200 Defence experience in return. youtube
The blue team has lost control of the soul obelisk., The battle was drawn! You receive 2 Zeal for your participation in this game!, <col=ff0000>Warning:<col=000000> a game is currently in progress. If you enter to portal,<br> you will be added to the game as soon as possible., Enter portal.<br>Stay outside., Enter waiting area.<br>Stay outside., The red team has taken control of the eastern graveyard., The blue team has taken control of the soul obelisk., The blue team has lost control of the western graveyard., You can't attack players on your own team., Oh dear, you are dead! youtube
You now have a higher priority to enter a game of Soul Wars., That familiar's owner is on your side., You have run out of Prayer points; you can recharge at an altar., This is not your familiar., If you die, you must wait 15 seconds before you can rejoin the battle., You can only exit this sanctuary, not enter it., A magical force stops you from moving. youtube
Thank you, your abuse report has been received., Your familiar is too far away to use that scroll, or it cannot see you., You have been poisoned!, The power of the light fades. Your resistance to melee attacks returns to normal., That's all well and good, but what do I get out of all of<br> this? youtube
You left a game of Soul Wars early, and must wait 2 minutes<br> before you can join another., The time is now! Crush their souls! youtube
This is a battleground, not a circus., That player does not currently need bandaging. youtube
Warning: Your activity bar is getting low! Help out in the battle to refill it!, You bury the bones and slightly restore your avatar's Slayer level., You bury the bones, but they fail to restore your avatar's Slayer level. youtube
Your Slayer level is not high enough to attack this avatar. youtube
You can get 5250 Strength experience for every Zeal you spend., You spend 100 Zeal and receive 577500 Strength experience in return., You've just advanced a Strength level! You have reached level 82., Congratulations! You've just reached Combat level 98! youtube


Message Link
You fill the pie with meat., You successfully bake a tasty meat pie. youtube
You add the anchovies to the pizza. youtube
You add the tomato to the pizza.,
You add the cheese to the pizza.,
I need to cook this pizza before I can add meat to it.,
You successfully bake a pizza.,
You add the meat to the pizza.,
You eat half of the meat pizza. youtube
What type of dough would you like to make?<br>Choose a number, then click the dough to begin.,
You mix the water and flour to make some bread dough.,
You mix the water and flour to make some pastry dough.,
You put the pastry dough into the pie dish to make a pie shell.,
You need to precook the meat,
You fill the pie with redberries.,
Choose how many you wish to cook,<br>then click on the item to begin.,
You accidentally burn the pie.,
You successfully bake a delicious redberry pie.,
You remove the burnt pie from the pie dish.,
You fill the jug from the fountain.,
You cook a piece of beef.,
You accidentally burn the meat. youtube
You dry a piece of beef and extract the sinew. youtube
You fill the jug from the fountain, You squeeze the grapes into the jug. The wine begins to ferment. youtube

Castle wars

Message Link
You can't wear hats, capes or helms in the arena.,
There isn't enough space on this team!
You're wearing objects of my ignorant brothers and you come to<br>me? Such treachery must be rewarded! Enjoy some time in the most<br> mischievous of forms.
It's shut, you'll have to break it down.
You must spend at least 15 minutes in a game to earn tickets. youtube
You put out the fire! youtube

Fist of guthix

Message Link
The first round of the game is about to begin.
The effectiveness of your stats has been reduced.
You take a magical stone from the dispenser.
You cannot attack with the stone!
You forfeit and lose the game.
You can only attack your opponent! youtube


Message Link
You arrive at the Champions' Guild.
The canoe sinks into the water after the hard journey. youtube


Message Link
The kitten gobbles up the fish. youtube

Light sources

Message Link
You extinguish the lantern.
You extinguish the helmet.
You extinguish the candle.
You light the helmet's lamp.
You light the lantern.
No message for lighting candles. youtube



Message Link
You make a fishbowl. youtube
You make a light orb. youtube
You make an orb. youtube
You make a lantern lens. youtube


Message Link
You chisel the shell into a helmet. youtube

Crab armour

Message Link
You chisel the carapace into a helmet., You chisel the claw into a gauntlet. youtube
Oops! You accidentally break the shell. youtube


Message Link
You make a bullseye lantern. youtube
You build the Bullseye lantern. youtube
You refine some swamp tar into lamp oil. youtube youtube
You need to add lamp oil before you can use it. youtube
You put some oil in the lantern. youtube youtube

King black dragon

Message Link
Warning! Pulling the lever will teleport you deep into the Wilderness.,Are you sure you wish to pull it?,Yes I'm brave,Eeep! The Wilderness... No thank you.,Yes please, don't show this message again. youtube
... and teleport into the Wilderness., ... and teleport out of the Wilderness. youtube
... and teleport into the lair of the King Black Dragon!, ... and teleport out of the dragon's lair., Your shield absorbs most of the dragon's toxic breath., Your shield absorbs most of the dragon's fiery breath., Your shield absorbs most of the dragon's shocking breath. youtube

Item teleports

Message Link
Your games necklace has seven uses left. youtube
Your games necklace crumbles to dust. youtube
You rub the necklace..., Your skills necklace has three charges left. youtube
Your ring of duelling has one use left. youtube
You use your skills necklace's last charge., Your ring of duelling crumbles to dust. youtube
You rub the pendant..., Your Dig Site pendant crumbles to dust. youtube
Your Dig Site pendant has three uses left. youtube
Your combat bracelet has three charges left. youtube
You dip the amulet in the fountain..., You feel a power emanating from the fountain as it<br>recharges your amulet. You can now rub the amulet to<br>teleport and wear it to get more gems whilst mining., You rub the amulet..., Your amulet has three charges left. youtube
You rub the ring..., Your ring of slaying has one use left. youtube
You use your amulet's last charge., Your amulet has three charges left. youtube
The sceptre has run out of charges. Talk to the Guardian Mummy in the Jalsavrah Pyramid to recharge it. youtube
You rub the bracelet..., Your combat bracelet has three charges left., Your ring of wealth has no use left., You dip the ring in the fountain..., You feel a power emanating from the fountain as it<br>recharges your ring. You can now rub the ring to<br>activate a teleport, you can wear it to get luckier<br> from certain loots and drops., The guards salute you as you walk past., You feel a power emanating from the totem pole as it<be>recharges your bracelet. You can now rub the bracelet<br>to teleport and wear it to get information while on a<br>Slayer assignment., You touch the jewellery against the totem pole..., Your ring of wealth has on use left. youtube
You empty the ectoplasm onto the ground around your feet..., You refill the ectophial from the Ectofuntus. youtube
Your Camulet has run out of teleport charges. You can renew them<br>by applying camel dung., You rub the amulet..., Your Camulet has no charges left. You can recharge it by applying camel dung., You recharge the Camulet using camel dung. Yuck! youtube


Message Link
Your pouch is full., You feel a powerful force take hold of you..., You bind the temple's power into Nature runes., Your pouch has no essence left in it., You need a hatchet to chop down this tree., You do not have a hatchet that you have the Woodcutting level to use. youtube
You fail to distract them enough to get past., You are not agile enough to get through the gap., Your pouch has decayed through use., Can you repair my pouches?<br> I think they might be degrading., A simple transfiguration spell should resolve that for<br>you.<br>Now leave me be! youtube
Your pouch has decayed through use. youtube


Message Link
You need a gardening trowel to do that., This is a herb patch. The soil has not been treated. The patch is empty and weeded., The leprechaun exchanges your items for banknotes. youtube
You examine the tree for signs of disease and find that it is in perfect health., You examine the bush for signs of disease and find that it is in perfect health., This is a bush patch. The soil has not been treated. The patch is fully grown., Are you sure you want to dig up this patch?, Yes, I want to clear it for new crops., No, I want to leave it as it is. youtube
You open the compost bin., You begin to harvest the allotment., The allotment is now empty., You treat the allotment with supercompost., You plant 3 watermelon seeds in the allotment., You begin to harvest the herb patch., You plant a snapdragon seed in the herb patch., You don't have that many buckets!, You pick some deadly nightshade., You plant a belladonna seed in the belladonna patch., You pick a Bittercap mushroom., You carefully pick a spine from the cactus., You start digging the farming patch..., You have successfully cleared this patch for new crops. youtube
The sceptre has one charge left. youtube


Message Link
You use the wool with the rabbit foot to make a lucky necklace. youtube
You add the feathers to the coif to make a feathered headdress. youtube
You put some string on your amulet. youtube
You have no food equipped for the salamander to use. in-game 2023-11-10
You need to know barbarian hasta skills to equip this weapon. in-game 2023-11-10
This isn't a good time to try to scry. in-game scrying orb while in combat (anim 5354) 2023-11-10
Only a sharp blade can cut through this sticky web., You slash the web apart., You fail to cut through it. osrs 2023-11-30
A root springs from the ground by your feet. What could have caused that?, The trip to Karamja will cost you 30 coins. youtube
You hand your Shantay pass to the guard and pass through the gate., You have started The Temple at Senntisten quest. youtube
You have recharged your Summoning points. youtube
You don't have any jewellery that the totem can recharge. youtube

Coal bag

Message Link
You add the coal to your bag., You withdraw some coal. youtube
Your coal bag is already full. youtube
Your coal bag is empty., Your coal bag has 3 pieces of coal in it. youtube
There is no coal in your bag to withdraw. youtube



Message Link
The rope swing is being used at the moment. youtube
You walk carefully across the slippery log..., ... and make it safely to the other side., ... but you lose your footing and fall into the water., Something in the water bites you. youtube
You skillfully swing across., You climb the netting..., You put your foot on the ledge and try to edge across..., You skillfully edge across the gap., You climb the low wall... youtube
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