Charges - GregHib/void GitHub Wiki

Sometimes charges can be associated with a players' item. There are three main ways of tracking item charges:

Name Description Item effect
Item level Charge is reflected in the items id and name e.g. black_mask_8. Reducing a charge to zero replaces the item.
Player level Charge is stored as a player variable e.g. ring_of_recoil. No effect on the item.
Inventory level Charge is stored per individual item in an inventories slot. No effect on the item.

An item charge being reduced to zero can:

  1. Destroy (remove) the item
  2. Replaced the item e.g. chaotic_rapier_broken
  3. Do nothing
  id: 1234
  charges: 12345 # maximum number of charges
  charge_start: 50 # new item starts with 0 charges
  deplete: combat # what causes the item charges to degrade
  degrade: item_broken # the item to degrade into once reached 0 charges
  degrade_message: "Your item broke." # message to send after degraded