How to Release a Beta Build to the Quality Control Team - Greenstand/Greenstand-Overview GitHub Wiki


  • Permissions to merge PRs on github
  • Fastlane tools installed on localhost
  • Account access to Greenstand's travis build environment


  1. Bring master branch up to date with the commits that are to be released
    1. Pull and test code in any pending PRs
    2. Merge PRs with master branch
  2. Bump build number on master branch
    1. Switch to master branch on localhost
    2. Run 'fastlane android bump_version_code_and_push' from root of Android project
    3. Verify that the job completed successfully by checking git log for version bump commit
  3. Release the build onto crashlytics
    1. Visit
    2. Select 'More Options', and then 'Trigger build'
    3. Select master branch
    4. In the field 'Custom config' paste the following value
  - "fastlane android beta_release"
  1. Click 'Trigger Custom Build'
  2. If the build completes successfully, a notification will be sent to #quality_control and #android on Greenstand's slack workspace