Current Cluster Regions - Greenstand/Greenstand-Overview GitHub Wiki
This page details the currently configured cluster regions, respecting the prioritizing of different regions we currently have in place.
Zoom Level 2 and 3
In zoom level 2 and 3, we use a customized continents file (modified to avoid issues with poorly digitized coastline) and then a default, lower priority background grid to catch any data points the do not fall on major continental regions (such as a small island)
Zoom Level 4 and 5
Zoom Level 6 and 7
At zoom levels 6 and 7 we have a global default grid of cluster regions. In Tanzania we have a higher priority district level clustering. No other geographic areas have custom regions for zoom levels 6 and 7, and so they default to the default grid. However custom regions can be easily added to do regional tree counts.
Altering the zoom level in this query gives the type_id that can be used to filter regions when visualizing in QGIS
select distinct type_id from region where id in (select region_id from region_zoom where zoom_level = 4);