Decision Tree Workshops - Green-Software-Foundation/toss GitHub Wiki


We are running a series of virtual workshops to shape the future of our Transforming Organisational Software Sustainability (TOSS) project.

We want to

Build out the decision tree frameworks for all four pillars - Strategy, Implementation, Operational, Compliance and Regulations.

The TOSS project team is actively developing a framework that encapsulates an underlying methodology and decision trees for organisations to 1) Embed 2) Transform and 3) Use software emissions data to help achieve their Net Zero targets. The framework provides companies with an approach to build a future-proof foundation for continuous improvement and change management regarding the sustainable development and use of their software operations.


The workshops will run on:

  • Monday 15th July - TOSS Orientation
  • Monday 22nd July - Strategy pillar
  • Monday 29th July - Implementation pillar
  • Monday 5th August - Operational pillar
  • Monday 12th August - Compliance and Regulations pillar
  • Monday 19th August - Wrap-up

Each workshop will run between 14:00 - 15:00 UTC.


Participant Member Role WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 WS6
Pindy Bhullar UBS TOSS Project Lead Y Y Y Y Y Y
Sean O'Keefe Microsoft TOSS Project Lead Y Y Y Y Y Y
Antje Finger Evosoft (Siemens) Sustainability Manager Y
Birthe Boehm Siemens Senior Key Expert Engineer Y Y Y Y Y Y
Clemens Kunwald Ausy Technologies Senior Software Architect Y Y
Daniel Vaughan Mastercard Director, Software Engineering Y Y
Florent Morel Amadeus GreenIT Practitioner Y Y Y
Guillaume Bertello Amadeus Payment Engineering Ambassador Y Y Y Y Y
Héctor Tortosa ThoughtWorks Tech Lead Y Y Y Y
Leila Lhardy Amadeus Senior Product Owner Y Y Y Y
Ioannis Kolaxis Accenture Director Y Y
Mauricio Bitencourt Siemens Engagement Manager
Mohamed Toufik Ailane Siemens PhD Researcher Y Y Y
Parul Jalota Bloomberg Group Engineering Manager Y
Peter Dushkin Accenture Solutions Architect Y Y Y Y Y
Philipp Quaet-Faslem Siemens User Experience Designer
Robin Castellon Amadeus Principal QA Engineer Y Y
Roberto Vergallo University of Salento Engineer Y Y Y
Sreenivasan Lakshminarayanan Amadeus Lead Principal Engineer Y Y Y Y Y Y
Srinivasan Rakhunathan Microsoft Senior Program Manager Y Y Y Y Y


  • We will run virtual workshops over Zoom
  • We will collaborate using Miro. The board will be publicly accessible for those not able to attend
  • Pre-reading will be provided for those attending to ensure we are able to get the most from our time together


Orientation of TOSS

What is TOSS, why we are doing this project and plan for the workshops Discuss each pillars and go through the decision tree

Development of the Strategy

Quick refresher of the draft of the pillar - Review the draft and then enable teams to contribute to the strategy pillar decision tree process

Development of the Implementation

Review the draft and then enable teams to contribute to the implementation pillar decision tree process

Development of the Operational

Review the draft and then enable teams to contribute to the operational pillar decision tree process

Development of the Compliance and Regulations

Review the draft and then enable teams to contribute to the compliance and regulations pillar decision tree process

Summary Session

Provide the team with the summaries of each pillar discussions. Next steps for core team to create final version and share their outputs.