// Ladder members are listed in no particular order and must be sorted by points
// to determine their current ladder rank. I'm not sure how ties are broken.
"ladderMembers": [
// What is the time interval for "previous"? Prior to last game?
"previousRank": 26,
// This is the highest rank for this team on this ladder this season
"highestRank": 1,
// There will be an entry here for each member of the ladder team
"favoriteRaceP1": "RANDOM",
"favoriteRaceP2": "RANDOM",
"favoriteRaceP3": "RANDOM",
// Current season record
"wins": 20,
"losses": 12,
// Currently only the first member from each team is shown.
// Hopefully this will be patched to be "characters" and show all of them.
"character": {
"profilePath": "/profile/608241/1/Aydindril/",
"id": 608241
"realm": 1,
"displayName": "Aydindril",
"clanTag": "ScrubD",
"clanName": "NYU Med Heroes",
// UTC timestamp of the date this team joined this ladder this season.
"joinTimestamp": 1375243172,
"points": 484.0
Profile Details
// Basic character identity
"profilePath": "/profile/2358439/1/ShadesofGray/",
"id": 2358439,
"realm": 1,
"displayName": "ShadesofGray",
"clanTag": "",
"clanName": "",
// Information related to player achievements
"achievements": {
// Lists achievements completed by player; includes feats of strength
"achievements": [
// UTC time as unix timestamp
"completionDate": 1375660092,
// Id of achievement completed (see data/achievements)
"achievementId": 91475320766521
// Each achievement is worth X points
"points": {
// Total for each category the character has points for
"categoryPoints": {
// Id of the achievement category (see data/achievements)
"4325408": 30,
// Total across all categories
"totalPoints": 3585
// Rewards currently earned by the character
"rewards": {
// Only 4 rewards can be showcased at a time, subset of earned
"selected": [
// Id of the reward (see data/rewards)
// Comprehensive list of all unlocked rewards
"earned": [
// Id of the reward (see data/rewards)
// Basic campaign completion data. More detailed information can
// be determined by checking campaign achievements completed.
// One of Casual, Normal, Hard, Brutal
"campaign": {
"wol": "HARD",
"hots": "BRUTAL"
// Random career stats
"career": {
// Current season only (for some reason)
"protossWins": 0,
"terranWins": 0,
"zergWins": 16,
"seasonTotalGames": 31,
// Actual career stats (all seasons and expansions)
"primaryRace": "ZERG",
"careerTotalGames": 1110,
"highestTeamRank": "DIAMOND",
"highest1v1Rank": "PLATINUM",
// Stats specific to the current season; does this include private games?
"season": {
"seasonId": 14,
"totalGamesThisSeason": 31,
// Sumamry stats here for each type of match played this season
"stats": [
"wins": 13,
"type": "2v2",
"games": 26
"wins": 3,
"type": "3v3",
"games": 5
// Data required to extract the current portrait picture.
"portrait": {
// This is a compound icon image
"url": "",
// These are the x and y offsets to get the upper left hand
// corner of the icon in the compound image. Height and width
// seem to always be 90
"y": -360,
"x": 0,
"h": 90,
"w": 90,
// This is the index of the icon counting left to right,
// top to bottom on the linked compound image.
"offset": 24,
// Character levels in HotS
"swarmLevels": {
"zerg": {
// Progress towards the next level
"currentLevelXP": 49888,
// XP required to reach the current level.
"totalLevelXP": 200000,
"level": 24
"protoss": {
"currentLevelXP": 3575,
"totalLevelXP": 45000,
"level": 1
"terran": {
"currentLevelXP": 29644,
"totalLevelXP": 65000,
"level": 2
// Overall player level
"level": 27
Profile Matches
// Last 25 matches played by this player excluding matches played
// with the no match history privacy option.
"matches": [
// UTC time of game end as unix timestamp
"date": 1375661226,
// Localized map name
"map": "Sands of Strife",
// One of WIN, LOSS, (what about when match is still in progress; think random team games)
"decision": "WIN",
// The game type. What about FFA, customs, outmatched etc?
"type": "THREES",
// Effective game speed.
"speed": "FASTER"
Profile Ladders
// One entry for each team this character was a part of in this season
"currentSeason": [
// One entry for each ladder this team/solo that played a ranked/ unranked (?) game (includes placement matches)
"ladder": [
"ladderId": 157812,
"division": 18,
"league": "GOLD",
"ladderName": "Drone Tango",
// Current rank for this team
"rank": 3,
// HOTS_ prefix for HotS Ladders; no prefix for WOL ladders
"matchMakingQueue": "HOTS_TWOS",
// Current season reccord
"wins": 19,
"losses": 14,
"showcase": true
"ladderName": "Banshee Indigo ",
"ladderId": 157533,
"division": 90,
"rank": 47,
"league": "GOLD",
"matchMakingQueue": "HOTS_SOLO",
"wins": 8,
"losses": 3,
"showcase": true
// List of the characters on this team.
"characters": [
"id": 933759,
"realm": 1,
"displayName": "DarkMaxx",
"clanName": "",
"clanTag": "",
"profilePath": "/profile/933759/1/DarkMaxx/"
"nonRanked": [ ]
"ladder": [ ],
"characters": [
"id": 933759,
"realm": 1,
"displayName": "DarkMaxx",
"clanName": "",
"clanTag": "",
"profilePath": "/profile/933759/1/DarkMaxx/"
// and so on
// One entry for each ladder the team is currently in placement matches for.
"nonRanked": [
// Match Making Queue: WoL queues do not have the HOTS_ prefix. HotS queues do.
"mmq": "HOTS_THREES",
"gamesPlayed": 1
// I speculate that teams like this are created for private non-ladder
// games but still get registered to the character's profile. This can
// Maybe be used to see who plays together off ladder or in customs.
// I'm (Anthony) Pretty sure this is a unranked team
"ladder": [ ],
"characters": [
"id": 904832,
"realm": 1,
"displayName": "Raarr",
"clanName": "",
"clanTag": "",
"profilePath": "/profile/904832/1/Raarr/"
"id": 933759,
"realm": 1,
"displayName": "DarkMaxx",
"clanName": "",
"clanTag": "",
"profilePath": "/profile/933759/1/DarkMaxx/"
"nonRanked": [ ]
// Same as above except for the previous season
"previousSeason": [ ],
// Showcasing is the ladders that the user picked to display in their profile.
"showcasePlacement": [ ]
// All the portrait rewards
"portraits": [
// Unique id
"id": 2951153716,
// Title (maybe unique?)
"title": "Kachinsky",
"icon": {
// X and Y offsets for the top left corner of the icon in the linked
// compound image
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
// Width and height of the icon in pixels.
"w": 90,
"h": 90,
// Index of the icon in the linked compound image counting from
// left to right, top to bottom.
"offset": 0,
// The compound image containing the icon image
"url": ""
// Id of the achievement that unlocks this reward; 0 if not unlocked by achievement.
"achievementId": 0
// All the decal rewards
"terranDecals": [],
"zergDecals": [],
"protossDecals": [],
// All the skin rewards
"skins": [
// This is the identifier
"name": "Thor",
// This is more like a category identifier
"title": "Default",
"id": 3979921667,
"icon": {
"x": 0,
"y": -150,
"w": 75,
"h": 75,
"offset": 18,
"url": ""
"achievementId": 0
// All the animation rewards
"animations": [
"title": "Marauder",
"command": "/dance",
"id": 3065782512,
"icon": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"w": 75,
"h": 75,
"offset": 0,
"url": ""
"achievementId": 0
"achievements": [
"title": "Spawning Pool Party",
"description": "Play a game of StarCraft II while in a party containing Spawned players.",
// Unique id
"achievementId": 91475320768588,
// Id of the achievements immediate parent
"categoryId": 4325394,
// Points granted by this achievement.
"points": 0,
"icon": {
// X and Y offsets for the top left corner of the icon in the linked
// compound image
"x": -525,
"y": -225,
// Width and height of the icon in pixels
"w": 75,
"h": 75,
// Index of the icon in the linked compound image counting from
// left to right, top to bottom.
"offset": 34,
// The compound image containing the icon image
"url": ""
// All achievements fall into a category hierarchy
"categories": [
"title": "Liberty Campaign",
// Unique id
"categoryId": 4325379,
// ????
"featuredAchievementId": 91475320766734,
// Optional list of child categories
"children": [
"title": "Mar Sara Missions",
"categoryId": 3211278,
"featuredAchievementId": 0
"title": "Feats of Strength",
"categoryId": 4325394,
"featuredAchievementId": 0