Run project from source code - GraphFilter/GraphFilter GitHub Wiki


To run and edit the project from the source, be sure to have installed in your computer the following software:


To clone this repo using git, using the terminal, go to a folder where you want the project to be and run:

git clone


You can download the source code from a release.

Required libraries

Preferably using the virtual environment, install the project requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You can also install the libraries using your local python. However, the virtual environment will prevent you to install the libs in your local computer, and it will be available only on the project scope, avoiding conflicting versions of the libs. But you have to remember to always activate the virtual environment before running or editing.

Adding Libraries

To install a new library, inside the virtual environment, run the command:

pip install your-library

Whenever you install a new library, you need to update the requirements.txt file.

At the cmd, run:

pip freeze > requirements.txt


To see the project running, inside the virtual environment at cmd, run:
