My bibliography - GradedJestRisk/method-training GitHub Wiki
- Addiction générale, Isabelle Sorrente
- Weapon of math destruction, Cathy O'Neil
- Structure of scientific revolutions, Thomas Kuhn
- Bullshit jobs, David Graeber
- The Secrets of Consulting, Gerald Weinberg
- The special theory of relativity, David Bohm
- Constantine on Peopleware, Larry Constantine
- An Introduction to General Systems Thinking, G. Weinberg / V. Satir
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Karl Popper
- Logicomix, Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadimitriou
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn
- Wittgenstein's Poker, David Edmonds and John Eidinow
- L'acteur et le système, Michel Crozier
- Lost in management, François Dupuy
- La Fatigue des élites, François Dupuy
- Anthropologie du discours managérial, Anne Booth
- Acceleration, Hartmut Rosa
- Les décisions absurdes, Christian Morel
- Sociology of Algeria, Pierre Boudieu
- Black Swan, Nicolas Taleb
- Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Khaneman
- Thinking in Systems, Donella Meadows
- The Open Society and Its Enemies, Karl Popper
- Métamorphoses du travail, quête du sens, André Gorz
- Travail et subjectivité, Daniel Mercure / Marie-Pierre Bourdages-Sylvain
- Prendre soin, Bernard Stiegler
- Les héritiers, Pierre Bourdieu
- Theory in practice, Chris Argyris
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paolo Freire
To do:
- Reproduction, Pierre Bourdieu
- Distinction, Pierre Bourdieu
- The timeless way of building, Christopher Alexander
- Head First design patterns, Elisabeth Freeman
- DDD (Blue book), Eric Evans
- Pattern of enterprise application architecture, Martin Fowler
- The Systems Bible, John Gall
- Billy Koen, Discussion of the method
- Notes on the synthesis of form, Christopher Alexander
- The design of everyday things, Dan Norman
- A pattern language, Christopher Alexander
- Structured Design: Fundamentals of a Discipline of Computer Program and Systems Design, L. Constantine / Yourdon (1979)
- Classics in software engineering, Edward Yourdon (1978)
- The Art of Software Testing, Glenford Myers (1979)
- Reliable software through composite design, Glenford Myers (1975)
- Calm Technology, Amber Case
- Elements of Programming Style, Kerningham
- The Practice of Programming, Pike and Kerningham
- The pragmatic programmer, Hunt / Thomas
- TDD by example, Kent Beck
- XP explained, Kent Beck
- The clean coder, Robert Martin
- Clean code, Robert Martin
- The Software Craftmanship, Sandro Marcuso
- Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests, Freeman / Pryce
- Clean architecture, Robert Martin
- Clean Agile, Robert Martin
- Implementation Patterns, Kent Beck
- Agile software development, Robert Martin
- Dealing effectively with legacy code, Michael Feathers
- Refactoring, Martin Fowler
- xUnit test patterns, Gerard Meszaros
- The Coding Dojo Handbook, Emily Bache
- Troubleshooting Oracle Performance (TOp), Christian Antognini
- SQL performance explained, Markus Winand
- SQL antipatterns, Bill Karwin
- Effective Oracle by Design, Tom Kyte
- Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Feuerstein Steven
- PostgreSQL internals, Egor Rogov
- PostgreSQL - architecture et notions avancées, Guillaume Lelarge
- Principles of scientific management, Frederick Taylor
- Toyota Production System, Taiichi Ohno
- The Goal, Elihayu Goldratt
- The machine that changed the world, James Womack
- The Phoenix project, Kim / Behr
- The DevOps handbook, Kim / Humble
- Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, Mary & Tom Poppendieck
- Rolling rocks downhill, Clarke Ching
- Accelerate, Forsgreen / Humble
- Out of the crisis, Edward Deming
- Today and tomorrow, Henry Ford
- Toyota Kata, Mike Rother
- The new economics, Edward Deming
- The mythical man-month , Frederic Brooks
- Psychology of computer programing, Gerald Weinberg
- Peopleware, Lister / DeMarco
- The fifth discipline, Peter Senge
- Daring greatly, Brené Brown
- Radical candor, Kim Scott
- Naked, Patrick Lencioni
- 5 dysfunctions of a team, Patrick Lencioni
- Tribal leadership, D. Logan & J. King
To do:
- Learning Perl, Randal Schwartz
- Object Oriented Software Construction, Bertrand Meyer
- Head First JavaScript, Elisabeth Freeman
- JavaScript, the good parts, Douglas Crockford
- Spring in Action, Craig Walls
- How JavaScript works, Douglas Crockford
- Hapi.js in action, Matt Harrison
- Head First Java, Elisabeth Freeman
- Introduction to computation, John Guttag
- Effective Java, Joshua Bloch
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, Addy Osmani
- Structure and Interpretation of Comuputer Programs, Abelson & Sussman
- The C programming language
- Code, Charles Petzold
- The cathedral & the bazaar, Eric Raymond
- Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, Andrew Tanenbaum
- The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles, Noam Nissan
- Lion's commentary on Unix, John Lions
- The Linux Programming Interface, Michael Kerrisk
- Dijkstra, A discipline of programming
- Lessons Learned in Software Testing, Kaner & Bach
- Software for Your Head: Core Protocols, McCarthy
- Quality Software Management, Gerald Weiberg (4 volumes)
- The Leprechauns of Software Engineering, Laurent Bossavit
- The Principles of Product Development Flow, Donald Reinertsen
- Enfances de classe, de l'inégalité parmi les enfants, Bernard Lahire & al