Lint - GradedJestRisk/js-training GitHub Wiki
Lint is static code checking:
- formatting, eg indent (make code easier to read) - does not affect the AST
- code-quality rules, eg no-unused-var (avoid bug introduction) - affect the AST
- alert: warn, keep code as-is.
- fix
Have a look at IDE configuration, such as editorconfig
Other may include:
- install module
npm install eslint --save-dev
- setup rules
npx eslint --init
- check your rules
file, see here to use other format and nested folders - check detection single file
npx eslint <PATH_TO_SOURCE>
file - check automatic fix on single file
npx eslint --fix <PATH_TO_FILE>
file - add a task in package.json
"lint": "npx eslint <PATH_TO_SOURCE_FILES>"
- choose module syntax (CommonJS or ECMA script) with
API- ECMAScript modules (
import (..) export
- CommonJs (
require (..) export
- ECMAScript modules (
- choose ECMA script version
API - choose global environment variable with
- create a .js file
- using npx
npx run eslint <PATH_TO_SOURCE>
file - using npm:
npm run lint
- directly
./node_modules/.bin/eslint <PATH_TO_SOURCE>
- dry-run, overriding rule setting:
npx eslint --rule <RULE_SETTING> <FILE>
, eg.npx eslint --rule 'indent: ["error", 2]' foo.js
- parser default is ECMA5, you may need to change this
- you can even dry-run stdin
- parser default is ECMA5, you may need to change this
echo 'const foo = 1' | npx eslint --stdin --parser-options=ecmaVersion:5 > error Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved
Check rules checked for a single file:
- list all
npx eslint --print-config <PATH_TO_FILE>
- get specific rule
npx eslint --print-config <PATH_TO_FILE> | grep -C 3 <RULE_NAME>
- defaults are here (checkmark)
- one rule: add existing rule configuration in configuration file
rules: { indent: ["error", 2] },
- use a style-guide, eg JS standard
extends: [ 'standard' ],
- use a plugin for non-standard JS (eg, Node or frameworks, eg. Ember)
- define as exception for a set of files
overrides: [ // node files { files: [ 'bar.js', 'folder/*.js' ], //(as usual: env, extends, parserOptions..) } ]
- eslint:recommended, active rules are those listed here, also with a checkmark on the right there
- eslint:all
- AirBnB
- Standard, use this module
"no-restricted-imports": ["error", { "name": "import-foo", "message": "Please use import-bar instead." }
There are less options for CommonJS module (require) when restricting local module (eg. not package.json module but rather the code you're actually writing) - can restrict use on a particular file ( folder/file.js) - cannot restrict use of all files under a module ( /folder/**) - cannot restrict use of all files under a module but one ( /folder/** but /folder/file.js)
To prevent use of a language construct, use no-restricted-syntax
- get the name of the Abstract Syntax Tree element, use this sandox
- create the rule
- test it here
Faulty code (1 node found in esquery)
new Date('2020-01-01T15:00:34');
Correct code (0 node found in esquery)
new Date('2020-01-01T15:00:34Z')
- change file extension (js by default):
eslint . --ext <FILE_EXTENSION>
, egeslint . --ext hbs
Install plugin
npm install eslint-plugin-yaml --save-dev
Update your configuration .eslintrc.js
"overrides" : []
overrides: - files: [ "*.yaml", "*.yml"] plugins: ["yaml"] extends: - "plugin:yaml/recommended"
If you need to lint hidden files (here .circlecli/config.yml), update .eslintignore
npm install --save-dev lint-staged
Add action, here linting: if test fail, file add to staging wil be blocked.
“lint-staged”: { “*.js”: [“./node_modules/.bin/eslint — fix”, “git add”] }
This will lint you javascript code inside markown code blocks
- install plugin
npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-markdown
- add plugin to configuration
extends: [ 'plugin:markdown/recommended', 'standard' ],
- create a markown file with a JS block
- check linting error is triggered
- install module
npm install --save-dev prettier
- list files to be ignored in
- if using eslint, copy
cp .eslintignore .prettierignore
- if not, this one for NodeJS
curl > .prettierignore
- if using eslint, copy
- do a dry-run:
npx prettier --check .
- setup an empty configuration
touch .prettierrc.js
(will hint IDE to use prettier)
module.exports = { singleQuote: true, trailingComma: 'none', printWidth: 150, };
- do a dry-run:
npx prettier --check .
- actually format:
npx prettier --write .
- actually format single file:
npx prettier --write <FILE_PATH>
To get the following:
- eslint and prettierrc to use same formatting rule
- same output
npx prettier --check .
asnpx eslint .
- same output
npx prettier --write .
asnpx eslint --fix .
- same output
- avoid any conflicting rule
- store rules in one place:
- install module
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-prettier
- update
to include these settings
{ "plugins": ["prettier"], "rules": { "prettier/prettier": "error" } }
More steps to make rules compatible
- install module
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
- update
to include these settings
{ 'extends': [ (..) // should be the last one 'prettier' ] }
- do a dry-run:
npx prettier --check .
- check message
- if you get
All matched files use Prettier code style!
, you're done - if you get
Code style issues found in the above file(s). Forgot to run Prettier?
there are rules conflicting, follow on
- if you get
- list the conflicting rules :
npx eslint --print-config <PATH_ANY_FILE> | npx eslint-config-prettier-check
, should get
The following rules are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier: - indent
- look for such a rule in
and deactivate it, run again till you getNo rules that are unnecessary or conflict with Prettier were found.
- run prettier again
npx prettier --check <PATH_ANY_FILE>
- if you still have errors
- check your config
- save all work in a commit, then run
npx prettier --write <PATH_ANY_FILE>
, check difference and rule in.prettierc
- open an issue
instead of .eslintrc
{ singleQuote: true, trailingComma: 'none' }
Prettier can read .editorconfig
file here
This involves:
- a pre-commit hook using husky
- a module able to
- select code to be commited
- fix it
- staging it again
eslint .
is all taht is required).
If you use git add --patch
, consider git-format-staged option to get proper formatting without altering non-staged file.
- install and configure husky and lint-staged through npx
npx mrm lint-staged
- stage and commit
- create and stage an improperly formatted file
- commit it and check
- the commit succeeded
- the commited file is properly formatted
Check prettier:
- build your file filter, eg to format all JS files in src directory
- create a non-correctly formatted file matching this filter, stage it
- run prettier dry-run
npx prettier --check <FILE_FILTER>
- check you get the message
Code style issues found in the above file(s).
- install git-format-staged
npm install --save-dev git-format-staged
- note: all ignored files in
will be ignored - run
npx git-format-staged -f 'prettier --ignore-unknown --stdin --stdin-filepath "{}"' '<FILE_FILTER>'
- check the staged file has been reformatted
- remove file from staging and restore initial content
- install husky
npm install --save-dev husky
- add husky configuration in
"devDependencies": { (..) }, "husky": { "hooks": { "pre-commit": "git-format-staged -f 'prettier --ignore-unknown --stdin --stdin-filepath \"{}\"' '<FILE_FILTER>' " } }
- add to staging
- commit:
git commit -m "Commiting non-formatted code, to be formatted by git-format-staged"
- check result
- if code has been commited with formatted content
- if you get the message
/git-format-staged: error: formatter exited with non-zero status
, run standalone command
Lint text
- install linter
npm install --save-dev markdownlint
- install CLI
npm install --save-dev markdownlint-cli
- create markdown file
#Title Some text
- run it
markdownlint '**/*.md' --ignore node_modules
, should exit in error - modify
Some text
- run it again, should return no error
- create task in package.json
"lint:markdown": "npx markdownlint-cli '**/*.md' --ignore node_modules"
Lint text
- install linter
npm install --save-dev markdown-link-check