Segment - Grade-A-Software/Comcast-DASH-VLC GitHub Wiki
This version of Segment has the capability to create a Chunk.
The existing DASH module provides the capability to create a Chunk object directly within the Segment class. A Chunk, which is a data structure that contains information useful to the downloader, could be useful in terms of making the application more modular. However, containing this logic within Segment ultimately provided yet another layer of unnecessary complexity.
This version of Segment reveals how we have changed URL parsing.
The existing DASH module simply passes the URL it is assigned on creation to the Chunk to be downloaded. However, we found that the Comcast manifest did not provide a simple URL in their manifest.
As a result, this version of the code attempts to form a proper URL. This concept would prove to be useful, but was unsuccessfully applied in this case. The unnecessary layers of complexity obfuscated the effects of this change, and this approach did not ultimately become useful until later.