Node.cpp Outline - Grade-A-Software/Comcast-DASH-VLC GitHub Wiki


Node() Constructor – inits type to -1

~Node() Destructor - Deletes any subnodes to this node.

vector<Node> getSubNodes()* Returns a vector<Node*> that is a collection of subNodes to this node.

*void addSubNode(Node node) Parameter: A pointer to a Node. Adds a pointer to a node to the end of subNodes.

string getName() Returns: this->name

void setName(String name) Assigns the parameter name to this->name.

bool hasAttribute(string name) Node::attributes is a map<string,string> Returns true if name is a key that maps to a value in attributes. Returns false if no key matching name exists.

string getAttributeValue (string key) Returns the value associated with key if it exists. Otherwise, returns “”

void addAttribute(string key, string value) Adds key/value pair from the parameters to this->attributes.

vector getAttributeKeys() Returns the keyset from this->attributes.

bool hasText() returns false.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️