DOMParser.cpp Outline - Grade-A-Software/Comcast-DASH-VLC GitHub Wiki
include <vlc_common.h>
xml_t and xml_reader_t are found in:
xml_Create() and xml_ReaderCreate are found in
xml_Create() Creates an instance of an xml parser.
Returns null on error.
*DOMParser (stream-t, stream) Constructor - inits this->stream to stream and other instance vars to null.
~DOMParser () Deconstructor. Assigns null to instance vars.
Node getRootNode()* Returns this->root.
bool parse() Creates an instance of an XML parser with stream using xml_create and assigns it to this->vlc_xml. Returns false if unable to create. Creates an XML reader with this->stream to read from and assigns it to this->vlc_reader. Returns false if reader cannot be created . Calls this->processNode() and assigns the return value to this->root. Returns false if root is null. Otherwise returns true.
Node processNode()* Uses xml_ReaderNextNode to get next node. If there is more valid data to read in xml file, creates a pointer to a new node, adds the data to it from the xml and recursively creates subnodes.
void addAttributesToNode(Node node)* Reads attributes from xml using xml_ReadNextAttr() and adds the attributes to the Node.
*void print (Node node, int offset) Prints node and attributes with msg.debug.
void print() Prints this->root by calling print(this->root, 0);
Profile getProfile()