DOMHelper.cpp Outline - Grade-A-Software/Comcast-DASH-VLC GitHub Wiki


*vector<Node > getElementByTagName(Node root, string name, bool selfContain) Creates a vector<Node> called elements. For each subNode in root, getElementsByTagName() is called to add Nodes to elements. Returns elements.

**vector<Node > getChildElementByTagName(Node root, string name) Adds child nodes of root that have name == to a vector<Node *> called elements. Returns elements.

*void getElementsByTagName (Node root, string name, vector<Node> elements, bool selfContain) If selfContain is true, there are no child nodes to this node. If no child, add node to elements and return. Else recursively add child nodes to elements.

Node getFirstChildElementByName(Node root, string name) Returns the first occurrence of name in the subNodes for this Node. If Name does not exist in the subNodes, returns null.

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