13. Templating Engines: Pug - Gr0mi4/Hello-World GitHub Wiki
Learn about Pug syntax: https://itnext.io/pug-js-to-make-your-life-easier-with-html-templates-9c62273626e0
Rewrite all html pages to Pug format, hardcoding all data at this step. You can use this helpful converter to simplify and speed up the process: http://html2jade.org/ Compile with this command
pug src --pretty --out build
. -
Break down pages to smaller pieces – components. Each component lives in its own file and then use
to include other components into each other or into main templates:include otherfile.pug
. -
Learn about data interpolation syntax: https://pugjs.org/language/interpolation.html
For every page create a json file with data necessary to render the page:
- index.pug
- data.json
index.pug (example)
doctype html
title= title
h1 Pug - node template engine
data.json (example)
"title": "Hello world"
Then compile using this command: pug src/pages/about/index.pug --pretty --out build/pages/about -O src/pages/about/data.json
Unfortunately without JS you'll need to create a long chain of these commands to compile all pages:
"pug": "npm run pug:page-about && npm run pug:page-main && ..."
"pug:page-about": "pug src/pages/about/index.pug --pretty --out build/pages/about -O src/pages/about/data.json",
"pug:page-main": "pug src/pages/main/index.pug --pretty --out build/pages/main -O src/pages/main/data.json",