06. Flexbox for beginners - Gr0mi4/Hello-World GitHub Wiki

Learn about Flexbox (find resources by yourself) and then implement the following design for the main page trying to use as many Flexbox features as possible:

(DOn't pay attention to the footer hiding content, it needs to be at the bottom of the page)

  1. Create a section component which is a flex container (row) containing 4 cards. Each card is a card component and also is a flex container (column). Every section has a title, corresponding to a topic.
  2. Align all cards in a row in a way so that section takes the height of the highest card and all other cards stretch to fill the section.
  3. Copy sections for all topics and just change the titles (no need to create unique cards for every section!).

This is only the easiest part of the Flexbox topic. I'm going to prepare "Flexbox for experts" task, after we finish with Media Queries.