MOD21: Web Interface - GoranErdeljan/TINF19C-Team-4-Service-Registry GitHub Wiki
Created by Benedict Wetzel
1. Introduction
This module creates a Web-Interface the user can use to look at all DNS-SD-Entries that are found on the network. It is a sub-module of MOD20.
2. Requirements
The following requirements are covered by this module:
3. Prerequisites
In order to use this module the following prerequisites should be met:
- The developer should have a working computer that can access the internet
- The developer should use a Linux-based OS
- The developer should have Node.js version 12.14.1 or higher installed
- The developer should have NPM version 7.10.0 or higher installed
- The developer should have at least some basic experience with Node.js
4. Dependencies
This module depends on the following items:
5. Technical overview
This module uses expressjs as a backend for a Web-Interface. All static assets that are available on the server are in the wwwroot directory.
5.1This folder contains all files that are part of the frontend of the Web-Interface.
File | Description |
css/styles.css | This file contains a couple of CSS-Classes that are used by the index.html file. |
js/scripts.js | This file contains a script that is used by the index.html to update the list of DNS-SD-Entries every ten seconds. |
js/jquery-3.6.0.js | This file contains the jquery-library that is used by scripts.js and makes the HTTP-Request easier. |
index.html | This file is the main file of the frontend and links all other files of the frontend. |
5.2The webInterface.js file contains the backend of the Web-Interface. It uses the express NPM package to start a webserver that listens to HTTP-Requests on a port specified in the configuration of the module. To serve the static assets of wwwroot the NPM package serve-static is used.
Function | Description |
setConfig | Sets the configuration of the module. This function must be called before the start function. |
start | Starts the express-webserver to answer HTTP-Requests. The NPM package serve-static is used to serve the static files of the frontend. Added to that a endpoint is created that responds with a list of DNS-SD-Entries encoded as a JSON-String. This function also registers two functions to be called periodically by the setInterval function. One of them checks if the DNS-SD-Entries in the list are still relevant by checking their time-to-live attribute. The second function is used to log the length of the list to the console. |
addDNS_SDEntries | Adds DNS-SD-Entries to the list. The function formats the given DNS-SD-Entry to a JavaScript-Object that makes it easier to access the entries properties. A timestamp is added, that contains the time when the entry is no longer valid, based on the current time and the DNS-SD-Entries ttl property. |
5.3Sets the dependencies and is used by NPM to install the required NPM packages.