Methods - GooseterV/Blooket GitHub Wiki

IOS / Apple Mobile Devices

Install the shortcuts app through app store (if not already built into device) Open up app

  • Tap on the left tab that says 'Sharesheets' F87F7B65-0413-4027-98CF-FBBAB9315790

  • Click the plus sign in the top of the screen (+ icon) B2805D19-0D45-4097-ABD4-0B3A9665EC26

  • Change the 'Accepts' box to only safari web pages 3E7BE1A6-5EC5-45DC-8FA3-C163330980DA

  • Go into the left box and tap on 'Web', scroll until you find 'Run JavaScript On WebPage'

  • Drag out box 11FABDE7-A552-4DED-8BC2-F0C31805BC36

  • Replace contents with below

// clipboard variable here
window.setTimeout(alert, 1, 'Javascript Input Executed.');


  • Open up safari, copy the code from the js file, and head to blooket
  • Go to correct page for script
  • Tap on the share icon in the top right corner, scroll until you see your shortcut, and run it C21BCA66-6269-4E6C-82E4-CE4DD131D718

Android/Samsung Devices


  • Go to any page and create a new bookmark with the favorite icon (star)
  • Replace bookmark url with javascript:
  • Paste fetch script from above

When you finish it should look something like:

javascript:(obfuscatedcodeblahblahblah) To run it, head to blooket and click the bookmark

Other Devices

  • For devices with devtools/inspect disabled, refer to the Bookmarklets section.
  • For any console devices, you may have to wait for further releases.