New Enemies Guide - GoonHouse/Marin0SE GitHub Wiki


A majority of this content is wholesale lifted from Trosh's Mari0 SE Documentation, we're just "forking" it so that we can patch in the undocumented content.


When creating Mari0:SE mappacks, you can add custom enemies. The files used for those must be added in the folder mappack/enemies/

For each enemy, which can go from a plant to a full-fledged missile pumping helicopter (I guess), you need one enemy.json file and you can have one enemy.png which will correspond to the graphics of this enemy.

On windows, Right click > new > text document to create a new file. Make sure to disable Hide file extension for known file types in folder settings, otherwise you might be editing a useless enemy.json_.txt_ file.

This is how you write the parameters for the enemy: enemies/enemy.json

    "string_parameter": "stringvalue",
    "integer_parameter": 1,
    "boolean_parameter": false,
    "decimal_parameter": 19.93,
    "array_parameter": ["arrays can contain any data type", 300, true, 0.2],
    "_comment": "If you need to leave a comment, just use this parameter name.",
    "_comment": "Duplicate parameters over-write the previous value by that name.",
    "object_parameter": {
        "sub_parameter": 4,
        "_comment": "You can put more json as a value to have more named parameters as children to an attribute.",
        "_comment": "Object parameters are not utilized anywhere at the moment, though.",
        "string_parameter": "This won't overwrite the value 'stringvalue' above because it's nested in object_parameter"
    "_comment": "The last value in a json node, unlike lua, cannot have a comma after it."

You only need to specify base at the beginning if your enemy is to inherit all the properties of another enemy and manually overwrite other attributes. Overwriting existing enemies in your mappack may have unforeseen consequences. Once you have edited the .json file and reloaded the mappack, the enemy will be displayed in editor > tiles > enemies. If your .json is causing crashes, try using this json validator to find what's wrong. Make sure you leave out the base=value when validating or it will instantly cause an error.


The magic happens in enemy.json: this is where the entity goes from useless picture to interacting enemy. For a start make sure the image is used correctly; place the frames you need side by side in enemy.png, with the exact same width. You must use the QuadCount parameter if your enemy.png is made up of several sprites. enemy.json: "quadcount": n

So if your picture is 100px wide and you have four frames, set n to 4 and four 25px-wide frames will be loaded. Use the animation parameters to control how the images(s) is/are displayed. mirror and none animationtypes require only one image for normal-state animation. Examples

  • QuadCount integer Number of frames in enemy.png. Defaults to 1
  • NoSpriteSets boolean Graphic will not be vertically split for the 4 spritesets. Defaults to false, this means that your image will be goofed up if you don't set it to true or provide four rows of graphics.
  • AnimationType text Type of animation.
    • frames
      • AnimationStart integer First 1-indexed frame from the quads used in normal-state animation
      • AnimationFrames integer Number of frames used in normal-state animation
      • AnimationSpeed decimal (seconds/frame) frame duration in seconds
    • mirror
      • AnimationSpeed decimal (seconds) Time between each mirror of the image
      • QuadNo integer Frame to use. Defaults to 1
    • none
      • QuadNo integer Frame to use. Defaults to 1
  • DontMirror boolean Graphic will not get mirrored when moving left


positioning image recap customscissor

  • SpawnOffsetX decimal (blocks) X-offset from block (in-editor spawn placement or center of ancestor)
  • SpawnOffsetY decimal (blocks) Y-offset from block (in-editor spawn placement or center of ancestor)
  • Width decimal (blocks) Width of the entity box. This allows collisions to happen correctly. Default is 1.
  • Height decimal (blocks) Height of the entity box. This allows collisions to happen correctly. Default is 1.
  • OffsetX decimal (pixels) X-Offset for the image
  • OffsetY decimal (pixels) Y-Offset for the image
  • QuadCenterX decimal (pixels) X-Center of quads for rotation
  • QuadCenterY decimal (pixels) Y-Center of quads for rotation
  • CustomScissor decimal array (blocks) Only draw parts of an enemy. The coordinates are set from top-left of the enemy's block and in blocks. Ex: [X start, Y start, width, height] CustomScissor Example


  • SpeedX decimal (blocks/second) Horizontal speed. Default is 0.
  • SpeedY decimal (blocks/second) Vertical speed. Default is 0.
  • Gravity decimal (blocks/second^2) Negative vertical acceleration. Default is a mystery.
  • Lifetime decimal (seconds) Lifetime before this enemy is killed
  • Static boolean Object won't move or be affected by gravity (better performance)
  • SpawnSound string Sound that gets played when this enemy is created
  • NotKilledFromBlocksBelow boolean Will not die if on a block that gets hit by Mario from below
  • JumpsFromBlocksBelow boolean Will jump if on a block that is hit by Mario from below
  • MakesMarioStar boolean Makes Mario starred on contact
  • RemoveOnMarioContact boolean Will get removed when Mario touches it
  • DontMirror boolean Graphic will not get mirrored when moving left


  • Active boolean Object is updated and can collide (Usually true!)
  • Category integer Existing categories:
	2 == WORLD
	3 == MARIO
	4 == GOOMBA
	5 == KOOPA
	8 == GEL
	9 == BOX
	14 == HAMMERS
	16 == BOWSER
	17 == FIRE
	18 == VINE
	19 == SPRING
	21 == LAKITO
	22 == BUTTON --Not used anymore
	24 == CHEEP
	25 == DOOR
	29 == PLANT
	30 == SQUID
	31 == UPFIRE
  • Mask boolean array Array of categories masked with this enemy. If enemy.mask[otherenemy.category] is true, these 2 won't collide. The indexes correspond to the above list.

  • Portalable boolean Whether the enemy goes through portals. Defaults to true

  • Kills boolean Whether Mario dies upon any contact with this enemy's entity box

  • KillsOnSides boolean Whether Mario dies upon contact with the sides of this enemy's entity box

  • KillsOnBottom boolean Whether Mario dies upon contact with the bottom of this enemy's entity box

  • KillsOnTop boolean Whether Mario dies upon contact with the top of this enemy's entity box

  • KillsEnemies boolean Kills other enemies on contact

  • KillsEnemiesAfterPortal boolean Turns on KillsEnemies after going through a portal

  • NoCollideStops boolean Whether this enemy continues motion after collision (useful with bullets for example)

  • EmancipateCheck boolean Whether this enemy is emancipated by emancipation grills

  • AutoDelete boolean Enemy will be auto deleted if too low or behind the screen

  • LaserResistant boolean Makes this enemy immune to lasers

  • ResistsFire boolean Makes this enemy immune to Mario's fireballs

  • ResistsStar boolean Makes this enemy immune to starred Mario

  • Rideable boolean Mario can ride on top of Enemy

  • ResistsSpikes boolean Makes this enemy immune to spikes (tile property)

  • Bounces boolean Whether this enemy will bounce every time it hits the floor

  • BounceForce decimal (blocks/second) How strong each bounce will make the enemy fly up

  • doesntflyawayonfireball boolean Doesn't do the death animation when hit with a fireball.

  • breaksblocks boolean

  • breakblockside string What side(s) to break.

  • customtimer array Put arrays in the array, the first slot is the delay, the second one is the action, the third one are the arguments ACTIONS bounce playsound setframe set[PARAMETER HERE] reverse[PARAMETER HERE] (turns positive to negative and negative to positive) add[PARAMETER HERE] multiply[PARAMETER HERE]


  • StompComboSuppressor boolean These enemies won't add to the player's combo of jumping on top of many enemies in a row
  • Stompable boolean Whether this enemy can be stomped
    • StompAnimation boolean Whether the enemy changes to stompedframe when stomped
    • StompAnimationTime decimal Duration of StompedFrame
    • StompedFrame 'integer` 1-indexed frame used when stomped
    • KilledByBoxes boolean Makes this enemy stompable by cubes (doesn't require Stompable to be true)


  • ShellAnimal boolean Whether this enemy can retract into a shell:
  • SmallMovement text When stomped and a ShellAnimal, enemy will change to this enemy type
  • SmallSpeed decimal (blocks/second) Speed when getting kicked or changing directions


  • transforms boolean Whether this enemy can transform into something else or not.
  • transformsinto string The destination enemy of this transformation.
  • tranformtriggers array rightcollide leftcollide ceilcollide globalcollide collide death shot lifetime playernear playernotnear seen notSeen
  • transformsintorandoms array
  • transformpassedparameters array Parameters that get passed on once the enemy transforms.
  • transformtriggerobjectcollide string Transforms when it collides with an object.
  • transformtriggerenemycollide string Transforms when it collides with an enemy.
  • playerneardist integer Enemy will transform when player is this near (horizontal).
  • playerneardist array Same as above, but you can select a region. set up array like this: [x, y, width, height]


  • SpawnsEnemy text If this has a value, then this enemy will spawn that enemy according to the following parameters:
  • SpawnsEnemyRandoms 'array' Spawns a random enemy.
  • SpawnEnemyDelays decimal array (seconds) A list of delays from which a random one is chosen every time
  • ThrowQuadOffset integer How much to add to the used quad (If your usual cycle is 1-2-1-2 and you want it to be 3-4-3-4 for the throwing, this is 2!) - this means the throw animation is of the same format as the normal animation
  • ThrowPrepareTime decimal Amount of time before the actual throw that the throwquad is used

Possible ways to set the speed of spawned enemies

  • Simple speed
    • SpawnEnemySpeedX decimal (blocks/second) X-Speed of spawned enemies
    • SpawnEnemySpeedY decimal (blocks/second) Y-Speed of spawned enemies
  • Random speed (Can be random for hor and simple for ver for example)
    • SpawnEnemySpeedXRandomStart decimal (blocks/second) Minimum value of horizontal speed (negative for left)
    • SpawnEnemySpeedYRandomStart decimal (blocks/second) Minimum value of vertical speed
    • SpawnEnemySpeedXRandomEnd decimal (blocks/second) Maximum value of horizontal speed
    • SpawnEnemySpeedYRandomEnd decimal (blocks/second) Maximum value of vertical speed
  • Towards nearest player
    • SpawnEnemyTowardsPlayer boolean Override child SpeedX and SpeedY
    • SpawnEnemySpeed decimal (blocks/second) Set child SpeedX and SpeedY accordingly


  • Movement text Movement type
    • chasetime decimal Time it takes before an enemy
    • chasespeed 'decimal' Speed that enemy travels after the above is met.
  • MovementRandoms text array Movement types of which a random one is chosen (Overrides Movement)
    • none
    • truffleshuffle Moves left and right. Think Goombas.
      • TurnAroundOnCliff boolean Whether horizontal speed is reversed upon arrival on cliff
      • TruffleshuffleSpeed decimal (blocks/second) Speed of horizontal movement
      • TruffleshuffleAcceleration decimal (blocks/second^2 ???) Acceleration of horizontal movement. I'm not sure why there are question marks but I'm gonna assume this needs to be investigated.
    • piston Goes out and in and out and in. Think piranha plants.
      • PistonDistX decimal Horizontal displacement of piston in blocks
      • PistonDistY decimal Vertical displacement of piston in blocks
      • PistonSpeedX decimal Horizontal speed
      • PistonSpeedY decimal Vertical speed
      • PistonExtendTime decimal Self explanatory Is it the time it stays extended or the time that it extends within?!
      • PistonRetractedTime decimal Self explanatory
      • DontPistonNearPlayer boolean Self explanatory
      • DontPistonDist decimal Piston won't extend (but retract!) if player is this near
      • InactiveOnRetracted boolean Whether the enemy loses spawn and kill properties while retracted
    • follow Follows Mario. Think Lakitu.
      • followspace decimal (blocks) The enemy will try to stay inside this many blocks from the player
      • followspeed decimal How fast the enemy will follow you(if movement is set to "follow")
      • DistanceTime decimal Multiplied with the player speed to estimate where the player will be in this many seconds, that position is actually used then
      • nofollowspeedup boolean Enemy the enemy's movement is "follow" it won't speed up when the player is far.
    • shell Slides all over the place. Think stomped Koopas.
      • WakesUp boolean Whether this enemy returns to initial state
      • ResetTime decimal (seconds) How long until this enemy wakes up from its shell
      • WiggleTime decimal (seconds) How long before waking up the enemy will wiggle
      • WiggleDelay decimal (seconds) Time between each wiggler
      • ChaseMarioOnWakeup boolean Whether the enemy might walk right if Mario is to its right on wake up
    • squid Moves down first, then towards player and up. Bloopers showcase this movement.
      • SquidFallSpeed decimal Speed at which this enemy moves down (Phase 1)
      • SquidXSpeed decimal Speed at which this enemy moves right and left (Phase 2)
      • SquidUpSpeed decimal Speed at which this enemy moves up (Phase 2)
      • SquidAcceleration decimal (blocks/second2) How fast the enemy accelerates
      • SquidDownDistance blocks How far the enemy falls down
      • SquidHorDistance blocks How far the enemy goes left/right
    • rocket Shoots up, falls down, repeat. Think those fire things in the castle.
      • RocketDistance blocks How high this enemy will get shot up every time
    • verticalwiggle Goes up and down within a margin. Think Cheep Cheep.
      • VerticalWiggleDistance blocks How far this enemy will wiggle downwards
      • VerticalWiggleSpeed decimal (blocks/second) How fast this enemy wiggles up and down
    • flytime Smoothly moves from end to end like a patrolling Koopa Paratroopa.
      • flyingtime blocks How long it'll take to go the distance.
      • flyingdisx blocks How far this enemy will fly from origin horizontally.
      • flyingdisy blocks How far this enemy will fly from origin vertically.


  • chasemarioonwakeup boolean,
  • jumps boolean Makes the enemy jump.
  • jumptime value How much time it takes before it jumps.
  • jumpforce value How high enemy the will jump.
  • jumpforcedown value Something to do with jumping through the ground. Lower = Dropping, Higher = No dropping
  • doesdamagetype value

#Unsorted Additional Properties

  • health integer Health, decreased when shot or stomped.
  • shothealth integer Health, shot exclusive.
  • stomphealth integer Health, stomp exclusive.
  • staticIfSeen boolean Becomes static when player faces the enemy.
  • staticIfNotSeen boolean Opposite of above.
  • rotatetowardsplayer boolean Faces player in all directions.
  • givecoinwhenstomped boolean Adds a coin directly to the player's coin count when stomped.
  • givecoinwhenshot boolean Adds a coin directly to the player's coin count when shot.
  • shotjumpforce decimal Shot jumpforce
  • shotspeedx decimal Shot speedx
  • fallswhenstomped boolean Falls when stomped, even if it has a stomped frame.