Hooks - GoonHouse/Marin0SE GitHub Wiki

This version makes use of hooks that I put all over the place. Here they are. All arguments are in order. If there are none listed then it has none.


  • LovePreDraw unlike the name implies, it is the first thing called inside the love.draw() function, please forgive our insolence.
  • LovePostDraw same as above, except at the end.
  • LovePreUpdate Called each update.
    • dt This is the engine dt, not the math.min'd one.
  • LovePostUpdate Same as above.
  • LovePreLoad Called when loaded.
    • args The array of launch arguments.
  • LovePostLoad Same as above.


  • GameLoaded is called at the end of menu_load(), which is after the intro.
  • GameConsoleOpened is called whenever the cupid console is opened.
  • GameConsoleClosed is called whenever the cupid console is closed.
  • GameOnlineMenuLoaded is called at the end of onlinemenu_load(), which is necessary for some initialization.


  • ServerClientConnected is called at the end of server_callback_connect() after issuing the connected response to the client. This is also called when the hosting player opens the lobby because they are a client to their own server.
    • clientid int is the index of the player's info in the server_peerlist, which is usually stored on the client as networkclientnumber.
    • ip string is the IP of the client that connected.
    • port string is the port number that the client is accessing through.