Deploying to Google Compute Engine - GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-tfs GitHub Wiki

Deploying to Google Compute Engine (GCE)

You can use the standard build and deploy process for ASP.NET to an IIS VM on Google Compute Engine. Following this process, you must configure the GCP side.

Full Build Process

Configuring GCP resources

Adding Firewall exceptions

  1. Add an exception for TCP on port 445. This is the port used by net.exe to map the remote drive.
  2. Add an exception for TCP on port 5986 to enable WinRM over HTTPS.
    • If your GCE VM is domain joined, you can open TCP on port 5985 to enable WinRM over HTTP.

VM Configuration

Enable Netlogin rule on VM

  1. Connect remotely to the VM.
  2. Go to Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
  3. Enable the Netlogon Service (NP-In) rule.

Update WinRM certificate on VM

The certificate the ASP.NET image uses for WinRM over HTTPS references its machine name. To connect to the machine using an ip address, you have to change the WinRM listener to use a certificate with the ip address as the common name. In a powershell window with administrator access on the VM, run the following commands:

PS C:> $ip = "<ip of vm>"
PS C:> $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $ip `
                  -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My\
PS C:> ls WSMan:\localhost\Listener |
          ? {$_.keys -match "Transport=HTTPS"} |
          rm -Recurse
PS C:> New-Item WSMan:\localhost\Listener -Transport HTTPS -Address * `
          -CertificateThumbPrint $cert.Thumbprint -Force

IIS Deploy Tasks

The admin login for these tasks must be prefaced with the domain. If the username is TfsUser and the machine name is Tfs-AspNet-1, the Admin login for these tasks would be Tfs-AspNet-1\TfsUser.

Final Build process

The build process for building from the public google getting started dotnet samples repository looks like this: NuGet Restore VisualStudio Build Copy Published Websites Copy Binaries Copy Roslyn Get Password Windows Machine File Copy Manage IIS Deploy IIS

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