Roommates Rates Product Proposal - GoodZombie/Roommate-Rate GitHub Wiki

A problem with a solution: Rating your roommate!

User Story LGπŸ‘•

As a UNA Student Resident,
I want an accurate roommate survey
so that I don't get stuck with a slob.

If you have ever had to find a roommate on UNA's campus then you have probably taken a little quiz like this:

example questionaire

You also have probably been matched up with someone who was the exact opposite of how they rated themselves. Our idea is to create a web application that can be distributed to UNA (other colleges in the future) so they can have students fill out a similar survey. The difference is our survey won’t be about yourself, you will be rating your roommate. This will allow potential roommates to see a far more accurate representation of their options.

Our Background and Inspirations

  • We found a similar site ( but this application's main focus seems to be on comparing colleges rather than on comparing roommates. It also keeps the results of your survey private which is counter to our objectives with this application.

Flowchart πŸ€“:

Before and after process


  • The ways campuses find roommates as of now are dated. They send out a survey with no way to back up if it's the truth. Anyone can say they are the "cleanest, kindest, most wonderful" roommates on earth but the only ones who know are the Ex-Roommates.

  • Our way isn't only just a self-taken survey because along with it is an exit survey after that semester. If someone were to say they were flawless, that would be fact-checked when the semester was over. A value system will go up or down depending on the rating input that semester.

Our Approach: How this is possible?!

  • Our plan is to have the user complete an initial survey of how they view themselves.
  • After that semester, the user and their roommate will be asked to fill out an exit survey that will be emailed to them about each other.
  • This can be accomplished by building a site through HTML, Javascript, and a server to host through.
  • They can create an account that will allow them to find their ideal roommate.

End Result

The end goal is to allow students to find a better roommate and give honest reviews and have those who are inconsiderate more likely to land with themselves. 🎀 ⬇️


link to our current and future resources.

Sites and PDFs

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