FAQ CHARTS - GoldenCheetah/GoldenCheetah GitHub Wiki


How can update the charts library on Trends Sidebar?

New GoldenCheetah versions include new and updated charts for the chart library, you can update them using Reset to Default in the Charts Library Trends Sidebar hamburger menu. If you have added your own charts to the library you can preserve them using export before reset and import afterwards. This will solve issues s.t. the change of estimates names from v3.5 to v3.6 and languages changes, besides to incorporate the latest charts.

I want to plot month -1,-2 and -3 how do I do that?

Assuming the chart allows you to specify a date range you can select This month and select prior 3 to specify a month 3 years prior, similarly This month and prior 2 is a month 2 months ago, whilst This month and prior 1 is last month.

This month prior and 0 is just this month.

How should I use Aerolab?

The following is a brief piece of advice from Robert Chung, from a discussion on the Golden Cheetah Users mailing list:

Ideally, you'll want calm conditions (both in terms of wind and traffic) but here's a quickie test you can do just to get a handle on what to do. Try to find a loop without stop signs, or an out-and-back with maybe a little dip or something in the middle. Make sure you won't get hit by a car and have good sight lines. I just go around my block a few times. Do a loop in the drops, then another loop faster, then a loop slower; then repeat with your hands on the hoods.

Weigh yourself and the bike and ballpark the air density.

See whether you can come close to modeling the "true" elevation profile by sliding the CdA slider around. Even with this informal test, as long as the wind isn't blowing too hard, you ought to be able to see a difference between the loops where you were in the drops and the loops where you on the hoods, and to spot little bumps and dips in the road.

There is also an overview of Virtual Elevation to measure aerodynamics in this YouTube video from the power seminar at Interbike 2011 given by Jim Meyer the founder of Quarq:


Finally, Robert Chung's original paper is included in the docs section of the GoldenCheetah repository, you can it up here (click on View Raw to download):


My map doesn't show?

Map background is provided by Tile Servers, if the one you have in chart config is not reachable via Internet coneection the map will not be displayed. The track can be present anyway since it is generated locally based on activity or workout GPS coordinates.

One reason for this to happen is because you have a proxy that requires authentication or session details. We do not have sophisticated support for internet proxy servers. We will re-use the operating system settings where they are configured.

For OpenStreeMap, Tile Servers frequently change and you may need to check their documentation for availability and usage rules. See Map Chart and Live Map Chart documentation for details.

My map shows For Development Purpose Only

Google has changed the licensing of maps. In v3.5 you can change the maps provider to OpenStreetMap (OSM), or add your Google API key if you prefer so, in map chart properties. See Map Chart documentation for details.

What is the treemap plot used for?

Typically it is used to visualise where you spend your time or where you get best results. It is not particularly useful if you do not maintain details for each ride e.g. workout code, sport et al.

Can I change the colors in plot x ?

With the exception of the Long Term Metric plots the colours on the charts are configured in the GoldenCheetah preferences pane. It is possible to apply a theme or change each individual color.

We want to use the same colours to plot each data series across the charts, so you can change them globally.

The only colours you cannot change are the colours assigned to intervals when plotting them on scatterplot or PfPv. These colours are assigned according to their sequence.

How do you zoom in on a chart?

You can zoom in on the distribution, scatterplot and PfPv charts by selecting the zoom area with the left click of the mouse.

On the performance (ride) plot you can zoom with the span slider at the bottom of the chart (if you select the full plot in the chart settings).

There are no other zoom options for the other charts.

I zoomed in but can't zoom out?

Right click will zoom back out to the previous zoom level (in the case of zooming multiple times). If you select another activity the chart will return to fully zoomed out.

GoldenCheetah is saying there is no data for a chart, but I'm sure there is?

You should check in the editor if the data series is present. if the activity is a manual activity entry it will contain no data.

What happened with the chart options (more...) menu in v3.6?

It was replaced with a little down arrow right to the chart name in tabbed mode, in tiled mode it is still present, see Charts Bar: General Handling.

What happened with Details and Editor in v3.6?

We have now unified the metadata chart and ride editor under Data, with the editor now just another tab on the metadata chart called raw data.

This is to simplify the UX and reduce the proliferation of charts. As part of this the summary and details chart has been deprecated.

What happened with Summary Charts in v3.6?

Fixed format Summary charts were deprecated in v3.6 and replaced by fully configurable and modern looking Overview charts, for both Activities and Trends views. Included Overview charts can be customized and View > Download Chart can be used to view and download alternative designs.

What happened with Summary Charts in v3.5?

If you are running a recent version of Linux then you may find that even after a reset view the summary chart no longer displays. This may also happen with Python plots. It is because the built-in web browser in version 3.5 that is used to render has a problem. It can be resolved by setting an environment variable to disable sandboxing.

QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1 ./GoldenCheetah_v3.5_amd64_Linux.AppImage

Obviously in the above you should use a path to the version of GoldenCheetah you are using. Or alternatively you can set the environment variable and export for all executables, see the documentation for your shell or desktop environment.

How can I set format and limits for y-axis in charts?

User charts, introduced in v3.6, allow to configure the y-axis including format and fixed min/max limits, besides the automatic mode which is the only option for legacy charts. See specific information in Chart Types.

What happened with Reveal Controls in v3.6?

Until v3.5 some charts had chart settings which revealed themselves when hovering the cursor at the top center, while practical for fast access to some options they interfered with other chart functions, so they were disabled in v3.6 and newer charts (Overview/User) don't include them.

How can I forecast my training plan load in PMC/Banister Charts?

You can define and select a Date Range (Season or Phase) spanning future dates and events and use Current selection (instead of default Current selection thru today) in chart options, then add future workouts using Activity > Manual Entry including the values for the training load metric of choice. For Bike Workouts you can use the proposed BikeStress/BikeScore estimates by time or distance or, for better precision, the Workout Editor in Train view. For Run and Swim workouts you can use Laps Editor to enter time and distance details to estimate TriScore values. If you do this in your main athlete you can delete this planned activities when time arrives and import the real ones, an alternative is to use a dedicated athlete for planning purposes, enabling planned vs executed comparison using compare mode.