Usage - Gold-Everything/Search-Engine GitHub Wiki
Basic usage:
Type in a query and the system will use any keywords (not stop words) to try and identify relevant results. The results will be given back to the user.
(Insert example images of the flow)
Advanced usage:
A query can contain special symbols to distinguish it from a basic keyword search.
Exact match
Quotes around a keyword / phrase indicates an exact match, e.g., INPUT: How do I signup for "CSCI 1200"
You can filter your search by the date the result was published / last updated (when available)
There's two syntactical ways to filter results by date in your search query
Absolute querying
[query] from [date1] to [date2?]
If date2 is omitted, then the current day will be used as date2.
Where date1 and date2 can either be of the form MM/DD/YYYY or MM/YYYY.
Relative querying
[query] within [# years/months/days]
Search for results from October 3rd, 2011 to November 13th, 2013.
CSCI 1200 from 10/03/2011 to 11/13/2013
Search for results from October 3rd, 2011 onwards
CSCI 1200 from 10/03/2011 to
Search for results from October 3rd, 2011
CSCI 1200 from 10/03/2011
Search for results from October, 2011
CSCI 1200 from 10/2011
Search for results from this year (If you only specify the time unit, it will be assumed to be 1)
CSCI 1200 within year
Probably will run out of time 🤣