Firebase GET - GogoVega/node-red-contrib-firebase-realtime-database GitHub Wiki

The Firebase GET node connects to a Firebase Realtime Database and fetches data from the specified path.

Below is the list and description of fields to configure for this node:


Select or add a config-node. The config-node is your database on which this node will fetch data from the specified path. Learn more about its role.

Sort Data?

Use Query Constraint to sort and order your data?


The path to fetch data. You can choose the string option to set the path statically or another option to set the path dynamically. By default, msg.topic.

Pass Through Message?

If a message arrives at the input, pass the message to the output? For example: this node is between an http in node and http response node, to work the http response node needs the msg.res property generated by the http in node. By enabling this option you pass msg.res to the http response node.


Choose whether you want the payload type to be either automatic (string | boolean | number | array | object | null), JSON Object or JSON string.

Message Properties

Below are the properties of the incoming and outgoing message:


  • constraints: an object containing the constraint(s) to apply to the query.
  • topic: the path of the data to add/modify. By default 'topic'.


  • payload: contains your query data from the database.
  • previousChildName: contains the key of the previous child, by sort order, or null if it is the first child.
  • priority: contains the priority of the data.
  • topic: contains the path where the data comes from.

Read more about message properties.

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