Authentication - GogoVega/node-red-contrib-firebase-realtime-database GitHub Wiki

Enable the desired authentication method(s) and manage your users:

Enable an Authentication Method

To connect to your database, you must enable at least one authentication method. Follow the next steps to achieve this:

Click on Build then select Authentication

Click on Get started

Select one of the following methods to enable it:

  • Anonymous
  • Email and Password

Authentication Methods

Only the methods listed on this page are supported by this module! If you want to use another method, you can submit a new feature request here. Your maintainer will take a look 😉


This method will generate a random UID every session. It is therefore complicated to restrict access to an anonymous user based on the UID.

Email and Password

To add a user, you have two options:

  • Firebase Console

Go to the Users tab and click on Add user

Enter the email address and the password then click on Add user

[!NOTE] Keep your credentials because you will have to enter them in the config-node.

[!CAUTION] Disable "Protection against email enumeration" in "Users Action" in "Parameters" (for v < 0.6).

  • Node-RED

Enter the email address and the password then click on Create a new user (see config-node)

Note: email addresses can be fictitious but if you want to use double factor, you must have a valid email address (double factor is on the TODO list).

Private Key

Click on Settings then select the Service accounts tab and finally click on Generate new private key at the bottom of the page.

Custom Token

To create a Custom Token, you will need a Private Key (see point above) to sign the Token.

Manage Users

You can manage your users from the Users tab, such as password reset, disable account, delete account...

Next Step