Yeti App Firmware Updates - GoalZero26503/yeti-wifi-public GitHub Wiki


Yeti Firmware Updates Guide

Updating via Cloud Connect

The easiest way to update your Yeti's firmware is via Cloud Connect. Cloud Connect ensures your Yeti and your Mobile Device have an Internet connection before starting.

  1. Ensure you're connected via Cloud Connect
  2. Navigate to the Yeti Settings
  3. Tap the Firmware Version
  4. Tap the INSTALL NOW button for the latest available firmware
  5. Continue in the Updating Section

Updating via Direct Connect

The steps are about the same as Cloud Connect. A nearby, known, Internet-Connected WiFi network must be available.

  1. Ensure you're paired via Direct Connect
  2. Navigate to the Yeti Settings
  3. Tap the Firmware Version
  4. Tap the INSTALL Now button for the latest available firmware
  5. Provide the SSID/Password for the nearby WiFi network to use for the update
  • Yeti will connects to the provided WiFi network for the update
    • You will be able to see the Progress on the Yeti LCD screen


The app will go back to the Yeti Settings screen. Within a few moments the Yeti will begin to beep and blink the Wifi icon as it prepares to update.


Once the update begins, the app will show the progress on the Firmware Update line on the Yeti Settings screen.

For firmware v1.5.0+, the Yeti will enter the UPDATING screen as soon as the update officially begins:


For versions prior to v1.5.0 the Yeti will remain in PREPARING UPDATE state for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, the Yeti will shutdown to install the Main Controller Firmware. The screen will go blank at this time. The Yeti will stay in this state for 20-30 seconds.

Once it exits this state, the Yeti should enter the UPDATING SCREEN for the remainder of the install.


NOTE: Yeti 1400/3000 units do not show the uPd text, but progress is still shown in the Battery Percentage segment.

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