Energy History Feature - GoalZero26503/yeti-wifi-public GitHub Wiki

Goal Zero Yeti Energy History

About the feature

The Energy History Screen provides energy usage in Watt-Hours (Wh) In and Watt-Hours Out so users can easily monitor the energy used over time.

Device Support

The Energy History feature is available on the following Yeti models:

  • Goal Zero Yeti 1500X/3000X/6000X
    • Firmware v1.5.0 or newer
  • Goal Zero Yeti PRO 4000
    • Firmware v1.5.7 or newer

Users will also want to ensure they keep their iOS or Android app up to date for the latest features and support.

How it works

Goal Zero Yeti 1500X/3000X/6000X

The Yeti constantly monitors the power in and out of each of its input and output ports. This data is accumulated and logged offline. The Yeti can store about 10 days worth of energy data while offline. If the Yeti is offline for longer than 10 days, usage history data that is not uploaded to the Goal Zero App Cloud will be lost. Once the Yeti is online, it will upload any new data once per hour to the Goal Zero App Cloud. Once data is uploaded to the Goal Zero App Cloud, the data can be viewed in charts in the Goal Zero Power App.

Data that is tracked:

  • Energy In (Wh)
  • Energy Out (Wh)

Goal Zero Yeti PRO 4000

The Yeti constantly monitors the power in and out of each of its input and output ports. This data is accumulated and logged offline. If the Yeti's wireless module is disabled, the Yeti will only track the difference since the last online recording. If the wireless module remains enabled (even if offline), the Yeti can still log records but may need to provide averages for the time offline. Once the Yeti is online, it will upload any new data once per hour to the Goal Zero App Cloud. The app will represent the offline data with hollow bars in the chart. The app will represent gaps in the data for times where the Yeti was powered off.

Data that is tracked:

  • Energy In (Wh)
  • Energy Out (Wh)
  • Battery State of Charge (%)
  • Peak Watts In (W)
  • Peak Watts Out (W)


Users can select from different data views on the History screen in the App.

  • The Past 24 hours view shows total energy usage and instantaneous state of charge (at time of recording) over 1-hour periods for the past day.
  • The Past 14 days view shows total energy usage and average state of charge for each day for the past 14 days.
  • The Past 30 days view shows total energy usage and average state of charge for each day for the past 30 days.
  • The Past year view shows total energy usage and average state of charge for each month for the past year.
  • The Past 2 years view shows total energy usage and average state of charge for each month for the past 2 years.

For the selected period, the app will also show the total energy in, total energy out, peak watts in, and peak watts out along with the time and date the peak occurred.


Why does it look like I have supplied more Energy In than Energy Out?

Sometimes the charts can appear to show that for a given battery cycle, more energy was required to get back to a full charge than the energy that was used during discharge. It's natural for battery systems to require more power to be supplied than can be output due to a number of conversion losses inherent to the system. This is particularly notable in systems containing a DC to AC inverter. When the AC inverter is enabled, even without a load drawing power, energy will be lost in the process of converting the relatively low DC voltage of the battery to a high voltage AC output. These losses are more noticeable at relatively small AC loads, i.e. 50-300W, especially as these accumulate over long periods in the historical energy view. These losses become less significant when the AC inverter operates at higher loads, i.e. the 600W-1500W range, where the conversion efficiency is over 90%.

In addition to losses, certain types of loads with poor 'power factors' such as motors may consume more energy than is displayed due to the way AC power is being measured.

Why don't I see any history data?

  • If you're model is a Yeti 1400/3000 Lithium (with wifi), these models don't support the Energy History feature due to hardware memory limitations. Check here for the requirements for the feature.
  • If your Yeti is offline, you may not be able to see the latest data.
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