Eclipse project setup - GoCodingGroup/MultiplicationTable GitHub Wiki

Necessary Tools to follow this guide:

Installation Steps:

  • Open Git bash
  • Navigate to your desired directory using "cd"/"mkdir" and enter:
$ git clone  
$ cd MultiplicationTable  
$ git checkout -b develop origin/develop  
$ gradle eclipse  
  • Open Eclipse and create a new workspace folder (File -> Switch Workspace -> Other)
    NOTE: you can choose an existing workspace but this might mess with our current gradle config. Look at the error fixing section section for information
  • Execute these in Order:
    -> Select "File" -> "Import" -> "Git" -> "Projects from Git" -> "Existing local repository" -> "Add..." -> "Browse" -> Choose directory "MultiplicationTable" that you cloned into in step 3 -> "Finish" -> Select "MultiplicationTable" and hit "next" -> Select "Import existing Eclipse projects" and hit "next" -> Choose the MultiplicationTable project and hit "Finish".

Error fixing:

  • If eclipse spews out tons of errors stating "Access restriction: ...":
    -> Highlight the project root in eclipse's Package explorer -> hit alt+enter -> Java Build Path -> Select the tab "Libraries" -> Highlight "JRE System Library [...]" -> Hit "Edit..." on the right -> Select "Workspace default JRE" -> Finish -> Apply -> OK