Home - GoCodingGroup/MultiplicationTable GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the MultiplicationTable wiki! Here you (can) will find useful information about this Project as well as data about its internal infrastructure.
- This project tries to follow professional git collaboration practices. Read up on them here
- Read this to learn how to do the initial tool setup for this project.
- Read this to learn how to automatically apply this project's code formatting and cleanup rules in your eclipse instance
"MultiplicationTable" is an educational game project utilising Kinect to combine learning for school with excercising and thus making it fun for its young target audience. Right now it primarily focuses on teaching the multiplication table up to 10 * 10. The core gameplay mechanic is jumping on moving bubbles, which contain numbers, to submit an answer for a math question to the system. These bubbles are projected on the ground beneath the player. His motions are recognized by a kinect device.