Heroku Deployment - GoBoundless/spar GitHub Wiki
Deploying to Heroku
Spar can easily be used with Heroku. However, you'll need to add a few files to your project and run a few commands to get things working.
Adding Files
First, you need to create a Gemfile
in your apps root directory. The Gemfile
tells Heroku which ruby gems to install to run you app. Here's what it should look like:
source "http://rubygems.org"
gem 'spar'
gem 'thin'
Next, you should create a Rakefile
. This file tells Heroku about Spar's internal rake tasks which will be used to generate your assets on the Heroku platform. You Rakefile
should look like this:
require 'bundler'
require 'spar/tasks'
Next up is a file called config.ru
. This is a rackup file that tells Heroku how to run the ruby process (rack application) that runs spar. It should look like this:
require 'bundler'
run Spar.app
Finally, you need to create a Procfile
to tell Heroku how to run your spar app. It should look like this:
web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT
Running Commands
First, download and install the (Heroku Toolbelt)[https://toolbelt.heroku.com/]. This will install heroku and git on your system (if you don't already have them).
Once that is done, open up a new terminal window and navigate to your app's directory.
If your app isn't already a git repository, you need to set it up as one:
git init
Next, you need to run Bundler to download and install the spar and thin gems from your Gemfile
Next, Create a new heroku app:
heroku create <your-app-name>
Now you have a Heroku app, but you need to enable a special Heroku Labs feature to make sure the deploys happen in the production environment:
heroku labs:enable user-env-compile -a myapp
Now you're ready to deploy!
From this point on you should be able to deploy just like any other Heroku project. Commit your changes to git and then run:
git push heroku master