What is BizVR - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

What is BizVR

BizVR is a cloud based environment for creating, testing, deploying, executing and managing Business Decisions.

It is typically used alongside BizCOD (also browser based) which is intended for general purpose programming.

BizVR uses Decision Tables to represent logic and therefore does not require a programmer to create them. They are suitable for use by business people (the ones that, in the early days of computing, would have written specifications in English). In fact the Decision Table is the ONLY mechanism needed for representing logic. But in BizVR it is powerful enough that it can represent any program that could be written using code. Most other decision table tools are limited in functionality.

BizCOD is an environment which is intended for programmers. It has all the components you would expect to find in a modern programming language

Many of the concepts and much of the syntax is common to both environments.

The big differences are:

Feature BizVR BizCOD BizOnt BizGraph
Intended User Business (and programmers) Programmers Both Both
Intended Use Modeling Business Decisions Any kind of programming Defining the meaning of the data Showing the relationships between things
Execution Method Inferencing, functional Procedural n/a n/a
Execution Control Automatic or explicit Programmer specifies the execution sequence in code
Modeling Paradigm Formatted Decision tables Free form programmatic Code Diagram or Code Graph
Example Similar to creating a spreadsheet Similar to writing an essay Similar to creating a UML model Similar to creating a network diagram
Validation Automatic Manual Automatic
Learning Time hours days hours hours
Layout Tabular - fill in cells in a table Textual - write everything out in a document Graphical or textual Graphical
Views Decision tables may be viewed from different perspectives no equivalent for code Ontologies may be viewed from different perspectives
Appearance Consistent layout for all problems Layouts typically different for each problem
Interaction Tables can invoke code Code can invoke tables Tables and code refer to Ontology Tables and Code can traverse graph. Decisions can be modeled as graphs
Methods Defined as decision tables Defined in Code
Functions Defined as decision tables Defined in Code
Abstract Functions Can be specified as Decision tables Can be specified in code
Recursion Decision tables can be recursive Code can be recursive
Inheritance Decision Tables can be specialized Methods and Functions can be specialized in code Inheritance can be specified in the Ontology
Similar Tools Corticon Java, Haskell Protege,OWL Stardog, GraphDB, ArangoDB