Validator Report Sections - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Validator Report Sections

Summary of VV Report Sections (clicking the section number in blue will show an example - will add more blue)

Section Title Description
J0 Validation Summary Summarizes the state of the decision model
J8 constraint violations Identifies any violations of constraints supplied in the form of constraint tables
J9 compression analysis Identifies redundant rules
J10 completeness Identifies missing rules.
J11 dependency Graph of the dependencies between the rules in the decision
J12 consistency Identifies any conflicts between rules
J13 untested attributes Identifies any attributes never tested in the condition of any rule nor specified as a decision output
J14 catalog Catalog of decision components
J15 rules in json format The rules as json format
J16 rules as text Lists all the rules in natural language format
J17 original parts Lists the original unsimplified conditions
J18 parts Lists conditions by attribute within each rule. For each attribute tested the conditions are simplified where possible
J19 gaps Identifies values of attributes not covered by any rule
J20 mismatches Identifies any mismatches between values set in actions and tested in conditions
J21 rule action values not tested Identifies values set by rule actions that are never tested by other rules (excludes declared decision outputs)
J22 rule condition values not set Identifies any values tested in conditions that are not set by any rule (excludes declared decision inputs)
J23 decision input values handled Identifies values of declared inputs that are handled by the decision
J24 decision input value gaps Identifies values of the decision inputs that are not tested by the rules
J25 statistics Statistics
J26 decision inputs not tested Identifies any declared decision inputs that are never tested in a rule condition
J27 decision outputs not set Identifies any declared decision outputs that are never set in a rule action
J28 attributes tested but not set Identifies attributes tested in rule conditions but not set in rule actions
J29 values set but not tested Lists the values of any attribute that is set in an action but not tested in a condition (may duplicate J21)
J30 attributes Lists all attributes in the decision including name, type and values.
J31 testcases Provides a test case for every combination of the values of the declared inputs based on the values (or ranges) actually tested in the rules.
J32 differences Provides a list of the differences between two decisions
J33 Inferencing List the forward and backward paths connecting the inputs to the outputs

NOTE: ambiguities and incompleteness should be resolved in order to get a comprehensive set of test cases

JSON Format

Summary Section


Detailed Sections
