Validation Error Codes - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

E001 Conflicting data types found in actions  
E002 Conflicting data types found for conditions  
E003 Conflicting conditions and actions  
E004 Decision has no inputs  
E004 Invalid DRG dependency  Contact Tech Support
I001 Entity contains an attribute with the same name  Remove or rename
I004 Entity has duplicate attributes  Remove or rename
I005 Entity has no attributes  
I006 Association source entity is not defined  
I007 Association destination entity is not defined  
I008 Rule contains an overlap in its conditions  
I009 Ruleset has common conditions in all its rules  
I010 Decision has common conditions in all its rulesets  
I011 Updated unknown Data Type  
I011 Conditions overlap for attribute  
I012 Ruleset has circular logic  
W001 Rule sets a value that breaks a specified constraint  
W002 Rule tests a condition with a value that breaks a constraint  
W003 Rule has no actions  
W004 Rule has no conditions  
W005 Table has no rules  
W007 Decision has no tables  
W008 Project has no decisions  
W009 Attribute tested but never set  
W010 Attribute set but never tested  
W011 Decision inputs never referenced  
W012 Decision has no outputs  
W013 Decision input is modified by a rule  
W014 Rule has conflicting actions  
W015 Rule has mutually exclusive conditions  
W016 Rule  has repeated attributes  
W017 Rule has duplicate conditions  
W018 Rule has conflicting conditions  
W019 Rule  has redundant conditions  
W020 Rules have conflicting actions  
W021 Attribute has overlapping conditions  
W022 Attribute tested for a value that is never set  
W023 Unidentified expression in an input  
W024 Unidentified expression in a rule  
W025 Missing rules exceeds specified limit  
W026 Rule action values conflict  
W027 Rule action data type conflict  
W028 Conditions form a tautology for attribute  
W030 Rule contains a tautology  
W031 DRG table-table arrow is not a real dependency   
W032  DRG input-table arrow is not a real dependency    
W033 Table-table dependency does not have an arrow in the DRG
W034 Declared input (oval) has no arrow on the DRG