Tutorial Some Examples of JSON - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Tutorial Some Examples of JSON

You can copy/paste this JSON if you need it in order to execute the tutorial examples.

Tutorial 1: Three unrelated properties (color, size and shape)

{ "color":"red","size":"small","shape":"square"}

Tutorial 2: single object named "toy" with three properties

{  "toy": 
    "color": "red",
    "size":  "small",
    "shape": "square"

A collection (named TOYS) consisting of one or more toy (as defined above)

Note the name "toy" does not appear in the json, just the name of the collection (TOYS)

    {"color": "red",  "shape": "square","size": "small"},
    {"color": "green","shape": "square","size": "large"},
    {"color": "blue", "shape": "round", "size": "large"}

A collection named CHILDREN each of which has a name and a collection of TOYS

             {"type":"teddy bear","color":"brown"}]
             {"type":"roller skates","color":"pink"}]

A Collection of colors


A Collection of the nine digits from 1 thru 9


Santa's Reindeer

    {"name":"Dasher", "gender":"female"},
    {"name":"Cupid",  "gender":"male"},
    {"name":"Vixen",  "gender":"female"},
    {"name":"Comet",  "gender":"male"},
    {"name":"Donder", "gender":"male"},
    {"name":"Dancer", "gender":"female"} 

A Collection of PERSONS



    {"type":"retail","name":"smith","customer number":"A123456",
	{"method":"online","order number":"A1",
        {"method":"online","order number":"A2",
   {"type":"retail","name":"jones",,"customer number":"B987654",
	{"method":"online","order number":"B1",
        {"method":"online","order number":"B2",