Some examples of complex expressions - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

NOTE: all the examples use literal value but in any place you see a literal value it may also be an attribute name or any expression (that returns an appropriate data type)

So expressions can be nested arbitrarily deep (not recommended)

Expression Result
if 20 > 0 then "YES" else "NO" ➔ "YES"
if (20 - (10 * 2)) > 0 then "YES" else "NO" ➔ "NO"
if (2 ** 3) = 8 then "YES" else "NO" ➔ "YES"
if (4 / 2) != 2 then "YES" else "NO" ➔ "NO"
for i in [1, 2, 3] return i * i ➔ [1, 4, 9]
for i in 1..3 return i * i ➔ [1, 4, 9]
for i in [1,2,3], j in [1,2,3] return i*j ➔ [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9]
for x in @"2021-01-01"..@"2021-01-03" return x + 1 ➔ [date("2021-01-02"), date("2021-01-03"), date("2021-01-04")]
some i in [1, 2, 3] satisfies i > 2 ➔ true
some i in [1, 2, 3] satisfies i > 4 ➔ false
every i in [1, 2, 3] satisfies i > 1 ➔ false
every i in [1, 2, 3] satisfies i > 0 ➔ true
1 in [1..10] ➔ true
1 in (1..10] ➔ false
10 in [1..10] ➔ true
10 in [1..10) ➔ false
true and true ➔ true
true and false and null ➔ false
true and null and true ➔ null
true or false or null ➔ true
false or false ➔ false
false or null or false ➔ null
true or false and false ➔ true
(true or false) and false ➔ false
"some" + "string" ➔ "somestring"
"very" + "long" + "word" ➔ "verylongword"
substring( "testing",3 ) ➔ "sting"
substring( "testing",3,3 ) ➔ "sti"
substring( "testing", -2, 1 ) ➔ "n"
substring( "\U01F40Eab", 2 ) ➔ "ab"
string length( "tes" ) ➔ 3
string length( "\U01F40Eab" ) ➔ 3
upper case( "aBc4" ) ➔ "ABC4"
lower case( "aBc4" ) ➔ "abc4"
substring before( "testing", "ing" ) ➔ "test"
substring before( "testing", "xyz" ) ➔ ""
substring after( "testing", "test" ) ➔ "ing"
substring after( "", "a" ) ➔ ""
replace( "banana", "a", "o" ) ➔ "bonono"
replace( "abcd", "(ab) (a)", "[1
contains( "testing", "to" ) ➔ false
starts with( "testing", "te" ) ➔ true
ends with( "testing", "g" ) ➔ true
matches( "teeesting", "^te*sting" ) ➔ true
split( "John Doe", "\s" ) ➔ ["John", "Doe"]
split( "a;b;c;;", ";" ) ➔ ["a","b","c","",""]
string join(["a","b","c"], "and") ➔ "a_and_b_and_c"
string join(["a","b","c"], "") ➔ "abc"
string join(["a","b","c"], null) ➔ "abc"
string join(["a"], "X") ➔ "a"
string join(["a",null,"c"], "X") ➔ "aXc"
string join([], "X") ➔ ""
string join(["a","b","c"]) ➔ "abc"
string join(["a",null,"c"]) ➔ "ac"
string join([], "X") ➔ ""
list contains( [1,2,3], 2 ) ➔ true
list replace( [2, 4, 7, 8], 3, 6) ➔ [2, 4, 6, 8]
list replace ( [2, 4, 7, 8], function(item, newItem) item < newItem, 5) ➔ [5, 5, 7, 8]
count( [1,2,3] ) ➔ 3
count( [] ) ➔ 0
count( [1,[2,3]] ) ➔ 2
min( [1,2,3] ) ➔ 1
min( 1 ) ➔ 1
min( [1] ) ➔ 1
max( 1,2,3 ) ➔ 3
max( [] ) ➔ null
sum( [1,2,3] ) ➔ 6
sum( 1,2,3 ) ➔ 6
sum( 1 ) ➔ 1
sum( [] ) ➔ null
mean( [1,2,3] ) ➔ 2
mean( 1,2,3 ) ➔ 2
mean( 1 ) ➔ 1
mean( [] ) ➔ null
all( [false,null,true] ) ➔ false
all( true ) ➔ true
all( [true] ) ➔ true
all( [] ) ➔ true
all( 0 ) ➔ null
any( [false,null,true] ) ➔ true
any( false ) ➔ false
any( [] ) ➔ false
any( 0 ) ➔ null
sublist( [4,5,6], 1, 2 ) ➔ [4,5]
append( [1], 2, 3 ) ➔ [1,2,3]
concatenate( [1,2],[3] ) ➔ [1,2,3]
insert before( [1,3],1,2 ) ➔ [2,1,3]
remove( [1,2,3], 2 ) ➔ [1,3]
reverse( [1,2,3] ) ➔ [3,2,1]
index of( [1,2,3,2],2 ) ➔ [2,4]
union( [1,2],[2,3] ) ➔ [1,2,3]
distinct values( [1,2,3,2,1] ) ➔ [1,2,3]
flatten( [1,2],[3, 4] ) ➔ [1,2,3,4]
product( [2, 3, 4] ) ➔ 24
product( [] ) ➔ null
product( 2, 3, 4 ) ➔ 24
median( 8, 2, 5, 3, 4 ) ➔ 4
median( [6, 1, 2, 3] ) ➔ 2.5
median( [ ] ) ➔ null
stddev( 2, 4, 7, 5 ) ➔ 2.081665999466132735282297706979931
stddev( [47] ) ➔ null
stddev( 47 ) ➔ null
stddev( [ ] ) ➔ null
mode( 6, 3, 9, 6, 6 ) ➔ [6]
mode( [6, 1, 9, 6, 1] ) ➔ [1, 6]
mode( [ ] ) ➔ [ ]
decimal( 1/3, 2 ) ➔ .33
decimal( 1.5, 0 ) ➔ 2
decimal( 2.5, 0 ) ➔ 2
decimal( 1.035, 2 ) ➔ 1.04
decimal( 1.045, 2 ) ➔ 1.04
decimal( 1.055, 2 ) ➔ 1.06
decimal( 1.065, 2 ) ➔ 1.06
floor( 1.5 ) ➔ 1
floor( -1.56, 1 ) ➔ -1.6
floor( -1.5 ) ➔ -2
ceiling( 1.5 ) ➔ 2
ceiling( -1.56, 1 ) ➔ -1.5
ceiling( -1.5 ) ➔ -1
round up( 5.5, 0 ) ➔ 6
round up( -5.5, 0 ) ➔ -6
round up( 1.121, 2 ) ➔ 1.13
round up( -1.126, 2 ) ➔ -1.13
round down( 5.5, 0 ) ➔ 5
round down( -5.5, 0 ) ➔ -5
round down( 1.121, 2 ) ➔ 1.12
round down( -1.126, 2 ) ➔ -1.12
round half up( 5.5, 0 ) ➔ 6
round half up( -5.5, 0 ) ➔ -6
round half up( 1.121, 2 ) ➔ 1.12
round half up( -1.126, 2 ) ➔ -1.13
round half down( 5.5, 0 ) ➔ 5
round half down( -5.5, 0 ) ➔ -5
round half down( 1.121, 2 ) ➔ 1.12
round half down( -1.126, 2 ) ➔ -1.13
abs( 10 ) ➔ 10
abs( -10 ) ➔ 10
abs( @"PT5H" ) ➔ @"PT5H"
abs( @"-PT5H" ) ➔ @"PT5H"
modulo( 12, 5 ) ➔ 2
modulo( -12,5 ) ➔ 3
modulo( 12,-5 ) ➔ -3
modulo( -12,-5 ) ➔ -2
modulo( 10.1, 4.5 ) ➔ 1.1
modulo( -10.1, 4.5 ) ➔ 3.4
modulo( 10.1, -4.5 ) ➔ -3.4
modulo( -10.1, -4.5 ) ➔ -1.1
sqrt( 16 ) ➔ 4
decimal( log( 10 ), 2 ) ➔ 2.30
decimal( exp( 5 ), 2 ) ➔ 148.41
odd( 5 ) ➔ true
odd( 2 ) ➔ false
even( 5 ) ➔ false
even ( 2 ) ➔ true
not( true ) ➔ false
not( null ) ➔ null
is( date( "2012-12-25" ), time( "23:00:50" ) ) ➔ false
is( date( "2012-12-25" ), date( "2012-12-25" ) ) ➔ true
is( time( "23:00:50z" ), time( "23:00:50" ) ) ➔ false
is( time( "23:00:50z" ), time( "23:00:50+00:00" ) ) ➔ true
before( 1, 10 ) ➔ true
before( 10, 1 ) ➔ false
before( 1, [1..10] ) ➔ false
before( 1, (1..10] ) ➔ true
before( 1, [5..10] ) ➔ true
before( [1..10], 10 ) ➔ false
before( [1..10), 10 ) ➔ true
before( [1..10], 15 ) ➔ true
before( [1..10], [15..20] ) ➔ true
before( [1..10], [10..20] ) ➔ false
before( [1..10), [10..20] ) ➔ true
before( [1..10], (10..20] ) ➔ true
before( "@2020-01-01", ["@2021-01-01".."@2022-01-01"]) ➔ true
before( "@2024-01-01", ["@2021-01-01".."@2022-01-01"]) ➔ false
after( 10, 5 ) ➔ true
after( 5, 10 ) ➔ false
after( 12, [1..10] ) ➔ true
after( 10, [1..10) ) ➔ true
after( 10, [1..10] ) ➔ false
after( [11..20], 12 ) ➔ false
after( [11..20], 10 ) ➔ true
after( (11..20], 11 ) ➔ true
after( [11..20], 11 ) ➔ false
after( [11..20], [1..10] ) ➔ true
after( [1..10], [11..20] ) ➔ false
after( [11..20], [1..11) ) ➔ true
after( (11..20], [1..11] ) ➔ true
after( "@2020-01-01", ["@2021-01-01".."@2022-01-01"]) ➔ false
after( "@2024-01-01", ["@2021-01-01".."@2022-01-01"]) ➔ true
meets( [1..5], [5..10] ) ➔ true
meets( [1..5), [5..10] ) ➔ false
meets( [1..5], (5..10] ) ➔ false
meets( [1..5], [6..10] ) ➔ false
met by( [5..10], [1..5] ) ➔ true
met by( [5..10], [1..5) ) ➔ false
met by( (5..10], [1..5] ) ➔ false
met by( [6..10], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [1..5], [3..8] ) ➔ true
overlaps( [3..8], [1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps( [1..8], [3..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps( [3..5], [1..8] ) ➔ true
overlaps( [1..5], [6..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [6..8], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [1..5], [5..8] ) ➔ true
overlaps( [1..5], (5..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [1..5), [5..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [1..5), (5..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [5..8], [1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps( (5..8], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps( [5..8], [1..5) ) ➔ false
overlaps( (5..8], [1..5) ) ➔ false
overlaps before( [1..5], [3..8] ) ➔ true
overlaps before( [1..5], [6..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps before( [1..5], [5..8] ) ➔ true
overlaps before( [1..5], (5..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps before( [1..5), [5..8] ) ➔ false
overlaps before( [1..5), (1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps before( [1..5], (1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps before( [1..5), [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps before( [1..5], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( [3..8], [1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps after( [6..8], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( [5..8], [1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps after( (5..8], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( [5..8], [1..5) ) ➔ false
overlaps after( (1..5], [1..5) ) ➔ true
overlaps after( (1..5], [1..5] ) ➔ true
overlaps after( [1..5], [1..5) ) ➔ false
overlaps after( [1..5], [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( (1..5), [1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( (1..5], [1..6] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( (1..5], (1..5] ) ➔ false
overlaps after( (1..5], [2..5] ) ➔ false
finishes( 10, [1..10] ) ➔ true
finishes( 10, [1..10) ) ➔ false
finishes( [5..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
finishes( [5..10), [1..10] ) ➔ false
finishes( [5..10), [1..10) ) ➔ true
finishes( [1..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
finishes( (1..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
finished by( [1..10], 10 ) ➔ true
finished by( [1..10), 10 ) ➔ false
finished by( [1..10], [5..10] ) ➔ true
finished by( [1..10], [5..10) ) ➔ false
finished by( [1..10), [5..10) ) ➔ true
finished by( [1..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
finished by( [1..10], (1..10] ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], 5 ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], 12 ) ➔ false
includes( [1..10], 1 ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], 10 ) ➔ true
includes( (1..10], 1 ) ➔ false
includes( [1..10), 10 ) ➔ false
includes( [1..10], [4..6] ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], [1..5] ) ➔ true
includes( (1..10], (1..5] ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], (1..10) ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10), [5..10) ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], [1..10) ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], (1..10] ) ➔ true
includes( [1..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
starts( 1, [1..10] ) ➔ true
starts( 1, (1..10] ) ➔ false
starts( 2, [1..10] ) ➔ false
starts( [1..5], [1..10] ) ➔ true
starts( (1..5], (1..10] ) ➔ true
starts( (1..5], [1..10] ) ➔ false
starts( [1..5], (1..10] ) ➔ false
starts( [1..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
starts( [1..10), [1..10] ) ➔ true
starts( (1..10), (1..10) ) ➔ true
started by( [1..10], 1 ) ➔ true
started by( (1..10], 1 ) ➔ false
started by( [1..10], 2 ) ➔ false
started by( [1..10], [1..5] ) ➔ true
started by( (1..10], (1..5] ) ➔ true
started by( [1..10], (1..5] ) ➔ false
started by( (1..10], [1..5] ) ➔ false
started by( [1..10], [1..10] ) ➔ true
started by( [1..10], [1..10) ) ➔ true
started by( (1..10), (1..10) ) ➔ true
coincides( 5, 5 ) ➔ true
coincides( 3, 4 ) ➔ false
coincides( [1..5], [1..5] ) ➔ true
coincides( (1..5), [1..5] ) ➔ false
coincides( [1..5], [2..6] ) ➔ false
day of year( date(2019, 9, 17) ) ➔ 260
day of week( date(2019, 9, 17) ) ➔ "Tuesday"
Month of year( date(2019, 9, 17) ) ➔ "September"
week of year( date(2019, 9, 17) ) ➔ 38
week of year( date(2003, 12, 29) ) ➔ 1
week of year( date(2004, 1, 4) ) ➔ 1
week of year( date(2005, 1, 1) ) ➔ 53
week of year( date(2005, 1, 3) ) ➔ 1
week of year( date(2005, 1, 9) ) ➔ 1
sort( list: [3,1,4,5,2], precedes: function(x,y) x < y ) ➔ [1,2,3,4,5]
get value( {key1 : "value1"}, "key1" ) ➔ "value1"
get value( {key1 : "value1"}, "unexistent-key" ) ➔ null
get entries( {key1 : "value1", key2 : "value2"} ) ➔ [ { key : "key1", value : "value1" }, {key : "key2", value : "value2"} ]
context([{key:"a", value:1}, {key:"b", value:2}]) ➔ {a:1, b:2}
context([{key:"a", value:1}, {key:"b", value:2, something: "else"}]) ➔ {a:1, b:2}
context([{key:"a", value:1}, {key:"b"}]) ➔ null
context put({x:1}, "y", 2) ➔ {x:1, y:2}
context put({x:1, y:0}, "y", 2) ➔ {x:1, y:2}
context put({x:1, y:0, z:0}, "y", 2) ➔ {x:1, y:2, z:0}
context put({x:1}, ["y"], 2) ➔ context put({x:1}, "y", 2)
context put({x:1}, ["y"], 2) ➔ {x:1, y:2}
context put({x:1, y: {a: 0} }, ["y", "a"], 2) ➔ context put({x:1, y: {a: 0} }, "y", context put({a: 0}, ["a"], 2))
context put({x:1, y: {a: 0} }, ["y", "a"], 2) ➔ {x:1, y: {a: 2} }
context put({x:1, y: {a: 0} }, [], 2) ➔ null
context merge([{x:1}, {y:2}]) ➔ {x:1, y:2}
context merge([{x:1, y:0}, {y:2}]) ➔ {x:1, y:2}
date( "2012-12-25" ) - date( "2012-12-24" ) ➔ duration( "P1D" )
date(date and time( "2012-12-25T11:00:00Z" )) ➔ date( "2012-12-25" )
date( 2012, 12, 25 ) ➔ date( "2012-12-25" )
date and time ( "2012-12-24T23:59:00" ) ➔ date and time(date( "2012-12-24" ), time( "23:59:00" ))
date and time( "2012-12-24T23:59:00" ) + duration( "PT1M" ) ➔ date and time( "2012-12-25T00:00:00" )
time( "23:59:00z" ) + duration( "PT2M" ) ➔ time( "00:01:00@Etc/UTC" )
time(date and time( "2012-12-25T11:00:00Z" )) ➔ time( "11:00:00Z" )
time( "23:59:00z" ) ➔ time(23, 59, 0, duration( "PT0H" ))
number( "1 000,0", " ", "," ) ➔ number( "1,000.0", ",", "." )
string( 1.1 ) ➔ "1.1"
string( null ) ➔ null
date and time( "2012-12-24T23:59:00" ) - date and time( "2012-12-22T03:45:00" ) ➔ duration( "P2DT20H14M" )
duration( "P2Y2M" ) ➔ duration( "P26M" )
years and months duration( date( "2011-12-22" ), date( "2013-08-24" ) ) ➔ duration( "P1Y8M" )
invoke("http://namespace_of_model","my model name","my decision name", { a:1, b:2 })