One Modeling Environment to Bind Them All - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki
One Place to Bind them All.
One Place to rule them all,
One Place to find them,
One Place to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.
Suppose you have a large multinational company like IBM that has subsidiaries in every country. Each of the subsidiaries might use a different modeling environment.
If you wanted to define a corporate policy in the form of decision tables, you wouldn’t want to have to create a different model for each different deployment environment.
It would be better if you could create a single generic set of rules that can be used by all of them.
Each subsidiary could then take that single central generic model and customize it according to the implementation tool that they were using : DMN, excel spreadsheets, open rules, ODM, BVR, Java, COBOL, Aion or whatever.
In some cases, the implementation might have to be created manually from the original generic model, but in many cases it could probably be created automatically. Or simply executed directly from the model (in the case of DMN)!
Such a generic approach would allow an organization to adopt a high level approach to modeling and the management of those models without the need to give up any existing investment in models.
So it’s not a question of whether I should use modeling tool A or modeling tool B, It’s more a question of do I want an knowledge engineering tool into which all possible modeling tools can fit.
Decision tables is just one small corner of the field.
So BVR no longer becomes competitive with all the other modeling tools.
Instead, it becomes synergistic by enabling models from different environments to be seen in a single common environment.
We can then apply validation (and other kinds of analysis) across models that are very different.
For example, we could crosscheck rules that have been modeled in Excel against rules that have been modeled in DMN to see if they have conflicts or duplicates.