Labels and Expressions in BVR and DMN - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Maybe we need to have both fields in our export file. Something like this:

For conditions: “name”:”average cost”, “expression”:”mean(c1,c2,c3)”

And for actions “name”:”final premium”, “output name”:”policy.premium”

That way there is a clear distinction between things that are purely descriptive (and cannot be parsed) and those that need to conform to a rigid syntax (either FEEL, or BVR or some hybrid or even something else like js)

Also this would allow (if we choose) to make the model truly generic when it only uses labels. But also DMN or BVR specific when you use the expression language.

Maybe we need something like: “DMNexpression”:”expression in feel syntax” And “BVRexpression”:”expression in bvr syntax” Depending on whether you are in DMN view or BVR view. Sometimes the expressions would be identical (in the case of a simple variable reference) Sometimes they would be different. And sometimes there might not even be a DMN expression equivalent for the BVRexpression (as in the case of collection bindings)

Potentially you could have a single decision model that can be deployed/executed on disparate environments

VV only uses the labels for validation currently.

But it potentially could also use the expression parse tree if it was supplied in the json export file.

Though that would make VV less generic so we’ll have to see.