How do I... - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

How do I.....

  1. Apply some rules to several separate values to return a single value Tutorial How to test a decision model
  2. Apply some rules to the values in an object to set a value in that object Tutorial Testing with a collection of inputs
  3. Apply some rules to every object in a collection of objects
  4. Find all the possible combinations of some sets of values
  5. Find all the possible permutations of some values
  6. Match two (or more) objects from the same collection to create a new collection
  7. Match two or more objects from different collections to create a new collection
  8. Traverse a deeply nested object with collections of collections of collections etc.
  9. Incorporate javascript libraries to add functionality to my decisions


  1. Access a database from my decision table?
  2. Deploy a decision to a server as an API
  3. Invoke a decision as an API
  4. Monitor the performance of a deployed decision service