Generating Test Cases - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Generating Test Cases

Given these rules

R1: if aReal in [-1.25..1.75] and aString = 'red' and aDate in [2022/04/24..2022/04/30] and aBool = F then result is 'A'
R2: if aInteger in [-10..10] and aString = 'green' and aTime > 2022/04/24 12:45:00 then result is 'B'
R3: if aReal > 500.00 and aString = 'red' or  = 'green' and aBool = T then result is 'C'
  1. Determine if there are any ambiguities in the rules.
  2. If there are then under what specific conditions do the ambiguities occur?
  3. Are there any missing rules?
  4. If so, how many? List them all.
  5. What values of the inputs to the decision will not produce any results?
  6. How many test cases are needed to prove the rules produce the expected results? List them all.
  7. Now imagine doing that with 100 rules!!!!