FEEL Ranges - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki
FEEL has range literals that you can use to create ranges or intervals. A range in FEEL is a value that defines a lower and an upper bound, where either can be open or closed. The DMN specification currently does not provide an explicit way of declaring a variable as a range The syntax of a range is defined in the following formats:
range := interval_start endpoint '..' endpoint interval_end
interval_start := open_start | closed_start
open_start := '(' | ']'
closed_start := '['
interval_end := open_end | closed_end
open_end := ')' | '['
closed_end := ']'
endpoint := expression
The expression for the endpoint must return a comparable value, and the lower bound endpoint must be lower than the upper bound endpoint.
For example, the following literal expression defines an interval between 1 and 10, including the boundaries (a closed interval on both endpoints):
[ 1 .. 10 ]
The following literal expression defines an interval between 1 hour and 12 hours, including the lower boundary (a closed interval), but excluding the upper boundary (an open interval):
[ duration("PT1H") .. duration("PT12H") )
You can use ranges in decision tables to test for ranges of values, or use ranges in simple literal expressions. For example, the following literal expression returns true if the value of a variable x is between 0 and 100:
x in [ 1 .. 100 ]