Defining Graphs and Graph Processing Logic Using Decision Tables - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Defining Graphs and Graph Processing Logic Using Decision Tables

This graph:


could be represented using this decision table:


We can easily add arbitrarily many properties for the nodes and edges.

This can also be represented as a json structure:

  "nodes": [
    { "id": "mike", "label": "mike" },
    { "id": "richard", "label": "richard" },
    { "id": "ryan", "label": "ryan" },
    { "id": "jonathan", "label": "jonathan" }
  "edges": [
    { "source": "mike", "target": "richard", "label": "parent", "color": "red" },
    { "source": "richard", "target": "ryan", "label": "sibling", "color": "blue", "style": "dotted" },
    { "source": "richard", "target": "jonathan", "label": "sibling", "color": "blue", "style": "dotted" }

Or as a GraphViz definition:

digraph U {size="20,20";
    mike->richard	[label=parent,color=red]
    richard->ryan	[label=sibling,color=blue,style=dotted]
    richard->jonathan	[label=sibling,color=blue,style=dotted]

A More Complex Graph